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RSS Cecec

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Very well detailed, its great that you included a quote making it very supported and showed how destructive the Mongols were.

1 point

Gabriele de Mussis wrote a book describing how the rodent exchanged brought by the Mongols spread the disease.

1 point

Gabriele de Mussis also concluded that even though they used biological warfare the Mongols weren't strategic about it.

1 point

Gabriele de Mussis lived in the city of Kaffa and experienced the Mongols using biological warfare by catapulting death bodies infected with the plague.

1 point

The Mongols were most likely responsible for spreading the Black Death around Afro-Eurasia. They brought black rats that carried fleas who contained the plague.

1 point

They killed in the millions and destroyed multiple cities.

1 point

The Mongols’ definition of happiness stated that to be happy you should harm your enemy and cause them pain

1 point

The mongols help spread their cuisine, which consisted of things like rice. Rice spread to more countries and regions around the world.

1 point

The Mongols were able to conquer a lot of land with a small army.

1 point

The Mongols were religious tolerant of everyone after they were conquered. They didn't care what religion you practiced as long as you followed their rules.

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