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Reward Points:13
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Slavery is against the human rights of a person and in my opinion it should be banned as it is inhumane to subject a human being to lots of torture but starve the person and make him/her live in extremely undesirable conditions. Besides , slaves are humans too and deserve their own rights and not be at the beck and call of other people

1 point

Abortion should not be legal as the baby is innocent and the life of the baby should not be taken away. The baby deserves a chance to live on this world as a life is still a life. If the parents really don't want the baby they should still allow it to live but maybe put it up for adoption

1 point

Yes they should. Music relaxes the brain and thus the students will be less stress when they stidy

1 point

We need to have women in power to ensure a gender balance in our society. Women may be equally skilled as men but in today's society, many still believe men are better so more men than women are in power. If we put women in power , our society may be better as women may be better in power than men

1 point

Teenage girls are still young and may be irrational in their decisions. They may make some decisions on impulse as they still can't see right and wrong in some circumstances

1 point

Suicide is the taking of one's own life. This should be illegal as we are taking about lives here. Although it is your decision to take your own life, not only you will be affected but many people around you , especially your loved ones will be affected.

1 point

A murder committed is still a murder committed, regardless of the murderer's age . It is I moral and inhumane for a murder to take place . Even though the murderer is only eight years old , a life is still lost in this murder case , just like other murder case and thus , equal punishment should be metered out to the murderer and no mercy should be given just based on the age of the murderer

1 point

Studying too many subjects in school will cause a great amount of stress for students. Students also need to have leisure time to rest. However if there are so many subjects, Students will be loaded with tons of work and revision and thus have no time to relax which will result in a great amount of stress

Winning Position: Slavery should not be allowed

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