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RSS Cmagargal

Reward Points:8
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3 most recent arguments.
2 points

This fight for civil rights amongst that of the homosexual population mirrors that of the blacks civil rights movement. While they're not being banned from schools, or segregated. They still face the same discrimination. What is wrong with today's society? And don't you dare come in preaching god hates fags. Show me some hard proof there is a god, and I don't mean the damn bible. Homosexuality is NOT a disease. AIDS is NOT a gay disease. And for crying out loud, it's about damn time we show our support for our peers. GAY PRIDE!

1 point

The gay man is stronger than the straight man. Not in the aspect of physical strength, but mental and emotional. A gay man can stand up and take the beatings but the straight man will fight it physically instead of just letting it go.

1 point

How many of us have heard this statement: "That's hott!" in reference to two lesbians. But the moment something is said about two gays: "Gross. Go die. Disgrace." How many times must we hear this. Now tell me, what in the hell is the difference between lesbians and gays. Whoopie do. I mean when a woman loves a woman everyone could care less. A man loving a man, they get ready for WWIII! It's about damn time we blow the top off of this issue and give it up. We're all human, and we should be treated as such. HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT A DISEASE!!

About Me

"I'm a strong believer in that of the gay rights movement. While not a homosexual myself I have a brother who I love more than words that is a homosexual. And him among every other homosexual on the face of the planet and beyond deserves every damn right to marry, adopt, and so forth. GAY PRIDE!"

Biographical Information
Name: Cenedra Magargal
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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