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Reward Points:125
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10 most recent arguments.

Well I agree we need sats to determine how we are doing, but grades are bullshit.

Let's say, you don't do homework because you have soccer practise and have band. But you aslo get a+'s on tests, classwork, and behave, so you get a c, are you stupid?

Let's say you have dyslexia or something, but are a good listener. You comprehend what your teacher is saying, but don't do well on tests. So you get a d. Are you stupid?

You. Are smart, responsible, and well behaved, but not creative and don't do well on projects. You work extremely hard. Like on love hina (an anime) the 2 protagonists study daily, working hard- one even messes up their eyesight and becomes antisocial- just to enter the best college. They cracked under pressure once and failed. Are they stupid? They got a D so are they?

A guy doesn't pay attention, only studies before a test, and pays others to do homework and stuff, he gets an -a. Is he smart? Grades don't show knowladge, understanding, or effort- they show memorization, luck, and scores on tests.

Yes they should. I work hard and somehow got a d in english. If you ask me, I can explain everything I know since I understand it. School isn't about learning or understanding- its about memorization and having no life. You need to stay up all night to do stupid projects that don't help or benefit you. You need to spend $80 for a stupid grade that is based entirely on opinion- not on your effort. I worked hard, streesed out, spent a lot of money and the goddamned school bitches gave me low grades. Ask mme anything on 7th grade english/science/history and I know it. Those bastards grades caused me stress, acne breakouts, antisocial behavior, my familys respect, my future careers for nothing.

Sorry if this isn't too good, I'm pissed off because of how they fucked up my life. I already know that stuff.

2 points

Id buy 1 tank of gas (can you believe gas prices these days?)id gamble

Id buy 1000000 things from dollor tree. Or id buy 1 million dollors worth of candy. Or id have sex with 10,000 hookers for $100

Exactly what I meant. So far means that as of today, it was the best.

Any pixar movie. Pixar/disney movies always look amazing. Also, what so bad about marval?

Great debator. Am intellegent man who never fails to convince others, truly a master in the art of debate, but enough about me…

2 points

I'm not a jew, so I chose this. Hitler was like any other man: he made a few mistakes did some bad stuff. That is what makes us human. This debate is quite stupid.

How did a bomb that killed thousands at a time save lives? It was onee of the worst didsasters in world history! Sure it ended the war quicker, but usa could've just backed off, and discuss a treaty or something. The japanese were fanatical because it was their country and freedom at stake. Like any normal person, they would've died if it gave their wives and kids a better home. The american troops abused some residents. Go ahead, look it up. But you're right, it was better to end the war asap. It would've been better to seek peace though.

2 points

Guns don't kill people, if they did, they would go to jail for murder- not the murderers. Jk they kill peoplebut are good for self defense. If they were illegalized, it would lead to black market sales which would lead to higher crime. If it is legal, the government can use the money to do stuff.

What do you like about it? Do you like the war crime she has commited? Do you like her black widow ways? Or pherhaps its hypocracy? If you like the land, america, I agree. I love its beaches, economic oppurtunities, terrai, multicultural communites. But I hate the government and how it was acted towards other countries so far.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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