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RSS Composition1

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

First of all, the people who practice the religion Wicca do not believe in a devil. They believe that there is no one God that sits up in the sky 24/7 and says "hmm. Lots of people are suffering... Oh-well"(not to offend anybody with my opinion), and that things can't be "happy happy" all the time so there are many Gods/Goddesses. So how can wiccans be "children of the devil"? Wicca is a religion that is something that you can not do anything wrong with. This is because each person makes it their own- they practice it when, where, and how they want to. True, there are spells and charms that Wiccans can cast/use but the Wiccan code is baisiclly means that as long as you don't do any harm, no harm shall cone to you.

0 points

oh yeah???????? what about NINJA ASSASSIN???????? THATS NOT A SHOW ITS A MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-1 points

Dude? Seriously, WTF. just cuz ur a pirate doesnt mean u help the planet!!! you just rape and pilage people!!!!!!!!!!!











1 point

i think yes, during the civil war, tons of new technology was developed. true that the American Civil War had the largest death count than almost every war America has been in combined, (because both the North and the South's deaths were counted and because both sides were Americans). But without the civil war, the gatlin gun (aka the machine gun), the hand gernaid, and the first metal boats were made, not to mention the Cotton Gin and many other things that would later help us in war.

1 point

then if there is no other explanation other than God why is he not here and helping us fix things like pollution or stuff?

3 points

so you would rather listen to a book written thousands of years ago than modern facts? not to sound mean or crash on your faith but really, think about it.

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