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RSS Cpagane1

Reward Points:4
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Hi Gina!

I think number 2 and 3 are just excuses that your students might have shared with you. I know that is hard to balance life when you are also a student but if they are really interested in learning they would need to make the time to work at home. (Just as you are making them time to complete the work for this class.) This lead me to the third point; students should expect to spare some time at home to do their homework. Completing the flipped activities would not required too much time since most of the videos are very short.

-Claudia Paganelli

1 point

1. Today’s students understand digital as they grew up with internet access, YouTube and other social media sites; therefore, using the flipped classroom model make senses because that’s what they know and it is easier for them to understand digital learning.

2. Since students learn at different paced, flipped classroom model allows them to learn on their own and ease the frustration if they do not understand content. The Flipped classroom model provides flexibility and students have also the option to work ahead.

3. It is easier for some students to learn by watching videos because they can pause the videos at any time, rewind videos and can go back to review the content that it is not clear. This is also a great advantage for students with disabilities who are unable to take notes.

4. Flipping allows helping those students who struggle the most. Teachers are able to spend most of their class time walking around and can better focus on those students that have more difficulties understanding the class materials.

5. Flipping allows teachers to leverage technology to increase interaction with students and to increase student-student interaction. The flipped model puts more of the responsibility for learning on the shoulders of students while giving them the opportunity to led activities and communicate more with each other.

6. Flipping allows for real differentiation because it allows personalizing the learning of all; flipping showed teachers how needy many of the students are and how some students quickly understand the content. Teachers scaffold these activities and make them accessible to all students through differentiation and feedback.

7. Flipping educates parents as many of them watch the lectures videos with their children at home. This leads to interesting discussions between students and parents about lesson contents.

Claudia Paganelli

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