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RSS Crrosvsrcasm

Reward Points:7
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2 most recent arguments.
3 points

I personally believe semi auto should be allowed in the firearm market because even with autoloaders restricted, tragedies like Newtown could have been pulled off with a double action revolver, quite easily. Plus, weapons like the Ruger 10/22, which is an autoloading repeater chambered for .22 LR, would be placed on the BATF's Title 2 Class 3 weapons list, which tend to get pricey.

2 points

With bigger, more important issues than gun control looming around, I think gun control can wait. Plus, it isn't exactly a nat'l security threat, considering the current population, roughly 314 million strong, and birth rates in the US, 30k lives to gun related homicide a year is a small price to pay. You'd think, with the gun control side composed of lawyers with remarkable skill, they'd know better than to badger people with emotional pleas like their favorite argument, think of the children. These incidents are famous because they happen so rarely. My niece and nephew go out in public all the time and the come home in one piece 99.99% of the time. All I have to say to the parents of the Newtown victims is I'm sorry this happened to you, it is simply tragic, but dwelling on it won't make the pain go away, surely you understand that life is unfair and uncertain, I mean, you're all older and wiser than I am, right?

Winning Position: Should semi automatic weapons be banned?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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