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RSS Cruzaders

Reward Points:326
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I think we all agree about this stupid bullshit

But I wonder how are they going to make the difference between the mass murdering weapon and a sharp kitchen knife

cruzaders(326) Clarified
2 points

Very good topic!!! I'm right in the middle of it since I'm in university!

There is a good side and a bad side to this, the good side is that it gets young people to interest themselves in politics, when more and more people stop voting because they dont care, as you said those people dont have the experience and knowledge to discuss of such a large pannel of issues, so most of the time what they say isnt worth much, wich isnt that bad because as soon as they try to have a real conversation with an adult or another "educated" young adult they are quickly shown that teir ideas are immature and need more refining, wich pushes them to learn more about the issues and sometimes change their minds

But the downside is even more important and I'm experiencing it right now: in a university right next to mine there are many marxist/communist youtubers and with the help of their fans (about 200) they have blocked the university (by beating upp teachers and students, stacking tables in front of doors etc) and will not stop unless the administration gives in to their demands: more vacation, easier tests, and the minimum grade of 18/20 for everyone on their finals. This situation has been going on for about a month so I'm assembling a group a tough guys and contacting extreme right activists to "liberate" the university

1 point

I sense sacarsm..........................................................................................................

1 point

Actually biologically he was a man .

1 point

No, most of the time homosexuality is caused by issues with your parents at a young age.

1 point

If France didnt colonize north africa they would still be living in tents and herding goats when they are sitting on a huge pile of natural resources.

1 point

How are you going to enforce that? An IQ test before logging on ?

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

ah ok

Well the choice has to be conscious for it to be a real choice, thats why God cant choosebefore birth who is saved and who his not; and God did say he came for everyone

cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

What do you mean IMHO ?

2 points

If God choses who goes to heaven & who goes to hell, what happens if someone who has been good all his life is not one of the chosen?

In this scenario

- if there is free will : the person chose to be good and yet God doesnt let him into paradise = injustice

-if there isnt free will , God "obliged" someone to be bad

Displaying 7 most recent debates.

Winning Position: You are right
Winning Position: The theory of evolution and equality
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Good things about it
Winning Position: Age of consent?

About Me

"I am a catholic french and I am in my first year of law school"

Biographical Information
Name: Jérôme 
Gender: Guy
Age: 26
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: France
Religion: Catholic

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