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2 points

If by "groups" you mean those gangs committing drive bys, I would agree with you. If you'd said that those individuals who commit drive bys are of low education, than I would agree with you.

but when you make blatantly false and hyperbolic statements suggesting that either more minorities are engaged in drive by shootings than are engaged in furthering themselves by pursuing a greater degree of education, you're only discrediting your own level of education.

Well in that I think we can both agree. Hopefully more minorities in this country will be able to better themselves over time. I don't believe that this negates many of the serious racial issues that this country does still actually have.

Now, I'm not being hyperbolic about this. In my experience there is nothing to tell me that the majority of white people are out to get the majority of non-whites. However, my cousin in Pennsylvania does also live across the street from the local head of the KKK. I have encountered neo-nazi thugs. There are a lot of systemic problems which lend themselves more to ignorance of racist actions rather than overt and intentional racism.

These need to be addressed if we're to get over the race problems that do exist in America completely. That said, there are just as many racist perceptions among minorities which need to be addressed. Until we come to an honest and open discussion on the matter though, the "race card" is hardly a non-point.

So you're implying that the American drive by rate is in fact higher than the homicide rate on the whole?

It's a fable... meant to serve as a guide for how we are to live our lives... what do you think?

Well... we can't blame Attorney General Eric Holder for trying to even the odds

Something I'm thankful for.

So you are implying that the hundred or so drive by shootings that might happen every year exceeds the millions of minorities currently enrolled in college?

except that your comments suggesting that "Yo homie, you got your boy up there in the white house so don't be giving me any of that crap!" is a valid argument in any debate, let alone given the circumstances under which you claim that you would employ such an argument does imply that you are at least a little racist.

Moreover, there are plenty of African American's (such as myself) who do not find such comments amusing.

That said, I'm not going to kill you for saying them. just stay off of my lawn.

7 points

There is absolutely no reason why anyone should give a damn whether or not a man and another man or a woman and another woman want to spend the rest of their lives together and have the state recognize such a union. Neither is it anyone else's business that they do so, nor is it worth a damn what they call it, "Marriage," or otherwise.

This is a pure matter of civil rights, plain and simple. Anti-miscegenation laws were fought and defeated in the past and I believe, with time, the same force of law which allowed my black father and my white mother to marry decades ago will eventually allow my homosexual friends to legally do so. How anyone can reasonably deny them this right is beyond me.

We should absolutely not allow our policy decisions to be made by foreign political power elites who have neither any understanding nor any personal interest in whether or not the average working American can better themselves in any way.

That might be a good argument if it weren't for the fact that the number of minorities enrolled in colleges across the US far outstrips the number of minorities who have been involved in a drive by shooting.

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Däv Oh
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Religion: Other
Education: Some College

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