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RSS Daddynard

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
4 points

No, its only masturbation with a toy. I dont see who will go that far to have sex

2 points

Yes it does, not because it makes driving harder, because it decreases your reaction time. As you talking on the phone and engaged in a conversation, your brain wil not react as fast as if it would if you was focused mainly on the room. So if your reaction time is impaired i think that makes talkn on the phone and driving dangerous. A 1 sec mistake can become deadly on the road. have you ever let your eyes off the road to change radio station to look up and have to slam on brakes???

2 points

Yes, i would die for what i believe in. I rather stand tall like a man than on my knees. if i have strong beliefs i will die with them beliefs

2 points

Beliefs is an opioinated idea, which is they called beliefs. Beliefs differ by the individual. So, no i would not kill for my beliefs. We live in a society where everyone have different views, so forcing someone to share my beliefs would be wrong

1 point

I think buying in the DC area is better because property value is increasing, due to all the new construction, such as the staduim and other places. DC is tearing down all the neighborhoods which is crime ridden, to make DC more tourist friendly and marketable to future homebuyers

2 points

he's such an actor. he acts like basketball has no contact. He hates to be "D" up on. He really scream foul if he misses a lay up that was his own fault. But who can blame him when the refs are babying him up

1 point

1st I dont think the gov't is borrowing the money, I believe their printing the money out and given it to the taxpayers because its easier to disperse the new money into the economy. I dont think it will solve our problem because in todays world, the money we are getting isnt enough to last. Gas is at an all time high. Food prices are going up. Most of americans are deep in debt, and the stimulus wont put a dent in their debt.

0 points

People are missing peace in their life, so they go to God for that peace

3 points

even with god, there still mysteries to life.

2 points

agree. Everyone wants some form of happiness. Some people belive they need belief in a higher power to achieve that happiness

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