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RSS Darshitdesai

Reward Points:35
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10 most recent arguments.
darshitdesai(35) Clarified
2 points

You have added arguement on wrong side! Please have clear opinion as the USA has got hazy in Trump's dictatorial reign, see you are the first one to become its victim.😂

3 points

The worst leader seen by THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is Donald Trump. He never seemed to make America Great again but seems to be in making of TRUMP THE GREAT DICTATOR. He has supplied weapons , killed people at wish, has threatened to start World war 3 at two instances:with N.Korea and with Iran(and both world wars were started due to such conqueror ideology). All the characteristics are just of an dictator aren't they?

HE was not terrorizing the whites he was just doing A PEACE MARCH like Gandhiji did in India. Terrorist act is somewhat like using live weapons like guns, bombs, grenades, etc. He was using weapon of NON VIOLENCE not the one the ISIS uses or any ISLAMIC TERRORISTS use.

This the case of INDIA only then what about USA the origin of the game POKEMON GO, CHINA, GERMANY, etc.

IT may be ENTERTAINING for duffers who seem it that they are only in this whole world in the sense it says that it can cause disastrous accidents like it happened in the case of the video portable game POKEMON GO. This fucking game caused around 17 major accidents on road in INDIA ONLY and 2 of these 17 accidents were so disastrous that it caused deaths of two INNOCENTS who were NOT AT ALL playing the GAME.

It isn't entertaining at all than many tele shows like in INDIA THE KAPIL SHARMA SHOW & in USA THE BIG BANG THEORY.

YES in 19th century there were 4 PRESIDENTS. They were:

1) John Adams

2) John Quincy Adams(son of John Adams) 3) Andrew Jackson

4) John Tyler

in central africa though they are christians other moderate christians fighting against them are the muslims doing that is my question

Who says that there god exists. Is there any proof of it? NO there isn't any proof for the statement that THERE IS GOD. If yes than show to whole world.

You can't show religious books like Bible, Bhagwad Gita, GUru Granth Sahib, Quaran, etc. because the next day I will also create a new religion and start my Holy Book that says THAT THE WORLD HAS ONE GOD NAMELY INDIA. Who will follow it now but many years later that is around 2 century later INDIA will become THE HEAVEN !!!

Similarly, around 2 centuries ago some one like me had published this books and inaugrated these religions which has of now many gods which are not been proved any one in this world.

Who says that there god exists. Is there any proof of it? NO there isn't any proof for the statement that THERE IS GOD. If yes than show to whole world.

You can't show religious books like Bible, Bhagwad Gita, GUru Granth Sahib, Quaran, etc. because the next day I will also create a new religion and start my Holy Book that says THAT THE WORLD HAS ONE GOD NAMELY INDIA. Who will follow it now but many years later that is around 2 century later INDIA will become THE HEAVEN !!!

Similarly, around 2 centuries ago some one like me had published this books and inaugrated these religions which has of now many gods which are not been proved any one in this world.

Displaying 7 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: should have

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Darshit Desai
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: India
Postal Code: 390025
Religion: Hindu
Education: High School

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