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RSS Diananitu

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
2 points

Let me be clear.

When you are a kid, you see guns as instruments of death. One wrong move and you are shot. You are used to playing games where your friends pretend to 'die' if they are shot by your toy that looks like a gun. Just an imaginative game, right?

Then you grow up and you realise that guns are actually really dangerous. One push of a finger on the trigger can make the difference between life and death. Psychologically speaking, we are attracted to illegal things. But when that object becomes legal we perceive it as having the liberty of using it whenever we want, even thought there are laws against it. But our brain is attracted towards this thing that can make such a change in someone's life.

People like to feel like they are in control. And when they are not, they may use the most disturbing ways of regaining their superior position over the others around them. One thing that we definitely understand about people is that fear is the best weapon to use against others. When you are feared, everything seems to be easier, right?

My point is that guns are never used by us for protection. This is just something that we tell ourselves to absorb the guilt that comes with using them. This is your mind trying to fool you. The real reason is because we love power. It is in our human nature to be in competition with others. One thing that differentiates us from animals is that we are evolved in this way: animals use violence to protect themselves, we use it because of our ego. To feel powerful. So guns are only instruments of power that help us in that way. Don't try to tell me that guns don't kill people. Power kills people. Therefore, yes. They definitely do.

1 point

I do not believe you could be responsible for someone's death if you refuse to help them. Morally speaking, you would be responsible for not doing anything to prevent their death and this would indeed be considered as your fault. Legally, no person is obligated to save another person unless they have a duty of care. If it was the case of a doctor not managing to save a patient from inevitable death, then there could be evidence to say that the doctor was truly responsible as he had a duty of care for the patient. In this situation, you do not have any responsibility to save that man from drowning, especially if it put you in danger.

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