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RSS DobelSoboel3

Reward Points:187
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3 most recent arguments.

uhhhhh. not that bad? I'm seeing another shootings news again. carchase and shooting in one gasonline , then shooting in Highschool.

you guys just in denial

I am in my 30s. Just cause i know we have gun/violence problem in America, you think i'm wrong to be against it?

That's not true. Prove it. Just like you want others to prove that gays cannot change. Then how can you prove Shys/quiets can change?

You can't.

Displaying 10 most recent debates.

Winning Position: If we can watch Teen pageants&TeenPop, Japan Idol videos shouldn't be illegal
Winning Position: Youtube does illegal things and gets away with it
Winning Position: How do illegal Immigrants with possibly Low wage jobs live so carefree and no worries?
Winning Position: Why don't we get Death penalty to Criminals: Most of Them Dont' Ever change
Winning Position: Women are not attracted to Men
Winning Position: It is much better to be a Lesbian in this age than to be a Male(in terms of dating)
Winning Position: Hispanics hold more Power(social) in America, more than any other group?
Winning Position: Most Beautiful Females have Boyfriends/dates/are taken by age 30

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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