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RSS Dude2288

Reward Points:39
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8 most recent arguments.
2 points

I just want to clarify one point. you are aware that semi-automatics are just guns that reload once after shooting, not guns that can shoot two or more bullets per trigger pull, right? Because the latter is illegal in the US and in most places. (well not exactly, you can legally own burst-firing and even full autos in some states but it's a long and expensive process). Also the large majority of guns owned are semi-autos. And one more thing shotguns are probably the best guns for hunting any fowl.

11 points

Ever heard of the Vietnam war, or the 1973 Afghanistan war?

Both had poorly trained, poorly armed forces defeating the two most powerful militaries of their time. Also high tech weapons and training are only a small part in winning a war, if it wasn't don't you think the Iraqi insurgencies would have lost by now? My point is: in a war between the US Army and the American people the army would have a very hard time even if the people only had hunting rifles and pistols.

1 point

Ever heard of target shooting or hunting? Also what if you have a varmint problem? And even if you ban guns criminals can still buy guns illegally and then the only people with guns would be criminals...and the police, but what if the police aren't around shouldn't you have the right to defend yourself? Also guns don't mean that people are more likely to commit crime or even kill people. Look at Switzerland, they have the second highest gun ownership rate in the world (second only to the USA), and a large percentage of those are government issued assault rifles, yet they have a much lower crime rate than the US. The problem isn't guns it's poverty and lack of education we should be working on those instead of blaming guns for all our problems.

2 points

Look young people are going to have sex no matter what you tell them, it's part of human nature, trying to stop them is like trying to stop a duck from quacking. Sex is just what people do, it's an instinct , and when you fight instinct you lose.

8 points

Ever heard of fossils?

5 points

How many wars have been fought "in the name of god"? How many people have been killed because of their religion? How many people have been tortured and executed for heresy?

No, atheism won't lead to world peace, but at least we would have one less thing to kill each other over.

(BTW I'm a catholic (does that make me a hypocrite?))

5 points

Mormons believe that Jesus Christ was the son of god and he died to atone for the sins of humanity. Therefore they are Christians. End of argument.

7 points

Why should you be fined for your own stupidity? And if it's to make people safer then why not ban BASE jumping or cave diving or other really dangerous sports? Or better yet why not ban smoking? If you don't have the common sense to buckle your seatbelt the only person that is likely to get hurt is yourself so what's the point of fining you for knowingly endangering your self? It's not the governments responsibility to protect us from ourselves, people should be smart enough to ensure their safety themselves. If anything repealing seatbelt laws would help weed the stupid people from the gene pool. (Don't get me wrong I support the gov't encouraging you to wear seatbelt I just don't think they have the right to punish me when I haven't done anything wrong to anybody.)

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Sure, why not
Tied Positions: No, it's a basic right vs. Yes, it only corrupts

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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