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RSS Ernestjann20

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So you explain love by chocolates? That is really pointless. Love cannot be equated to chocolates. Yes, it is truly indeed that love is a complex processes in our brain because of the hormones like oxytocin. But love is something that is unique among us humans that is not seen in other animals. So that one is really pointless to say.

Morality makes a separation from natural selection. Natural selection is all about survival, it is very far from morality. The one you give examples on birds, it's not possible to happen since only humans have the ability to have moral standards as we humans are above all creatures. How can a bird differentiate good versus evil? No, it cannot because it is only an animal. The animals survive depends on what nature dictates it to do. But we humans are very far from them - not only we have the complex thinking, but also to differentiate what is right or wrong. So your argument regarding morality by natural selection is invalid and pointless.

When it comes to the patterns, science cannot explain why it was designed in that pattern, that only means that a higher being like God can only create that beautiful design of our universe. Even the mountains, rivers, and volcanoes, science only knows how they were formed, but science doesn't know why they are placed like that.

Everything in this earth are under God's will and control. Everything including you are under His order and plan. It is not inflammatory. Life and death is controlled by God. You cannot deny that every human is destined to live and die. Other species are destined to live and die as well. It is something you cannot control. So, your second argument has loopholes and therefore invalid and pointless.

Lastly, God is a powerful God. Everyday that you wake in the morning is a big gift from God because life is a gift from God, not from some DNA or scientific processes. He created your life and He has also the power to take it from you. Look at what happened to Thomas Andrews when he said that Titanic cannot be sunk, even God. Know what happened? Titanic had been sunk by an iceberg. Stephen Hawking also doesn't believe in God and openly mocked Him when he said "There is no God. No one created our universe, and no one directs our fate". What happened to him? He died. So, that is how powerful God is. So the third argument is utterly pointless.

Animals should be allowed in a circus. In fact, animals as entertainers started during the antiquities, before the introduction of wild animals in the carnivals in the early 19th century. Circus will not flourish today if weren't for animals that performs in the show. If animals should not be allowed in the circus, wouldn't be the same for banning the animals in zoo? My three arguments are first, most animals are treated well enough for the show and they are well - trained by their owners. Second, circuses give people a chance to see what these animals look like live in action. Third, psychologically speaking, animals love to work with humans and they see us as our long term companions. These three, I will discuss it after my opponent will give their opening argument.

Resource: “Circus - Clowns | Britannica.” Accessed September 30, 2022.

Serial killers are made. Rousseau had said that "Humans are good by nature". A man can turn into evil because of the corrupt society that is outside him. Look how Ted Bundy turned into being a serial killer, it is because of the evil society that he steps into. They are not born, then grow up killing others. It is in their experience and the society that influences a person that turns them into being serial killers.

Morality by evolutionary psychology? That is impossible to happen. Psychology is the study of human mind, let alone evolutionary psychology. You cannot explain why morality exists, you only knew how it existed. Morals are very separated from psychology.

With regards to my first argument, yes, it is true that God is the start of everything. Why? Look how the universe had started, it has patterns. Your science cannot back up why universe had started. Evolution, abiogenesis, and the Big bang theory have all loopholes. Why? They all cannot explain the reason why something exists. Sand dunes, lightning, and meteors doesn't have life alone. How can sand dunes move? Do you think they know where to go? No. How about lightning? Science only knows when and how lightning occurs, but does your science knows where and why they strike? No. How about the meteor? Does it knows where to go alone? No. Give me a scientific proof why these phenomenas existed, I think you cannot because science explains how it started but not why it moves that way. All of that exists because it is pre-determined by a higher being which is God. Not all scientific explanations are correct, all of them has loopholes. They cannot back up extraordinary phenomenas that happens anywhere and everywhere in this world.

2 points

No. The science that we have today is still limited to answers. To answer your question, Big Bang cannot explain why the universe had started like that. It cannot explain the billions of years of how the world had started as a dark void. Evolution of how the humans started is not wrong, but evolution theory has still loopholes. Can you explain to me how the origin of the humanity had started? No. Every people will say we are created by God. Religion also isn't useless, because it is our guide to being morally good. Science cannot explain how humans became like that, what science knows is humanity came from the monkeys, but cannot explain or give the relationship of our origin to the monkeys itself, so your point is already debunked if you say that science can provide alternative answers to almost everything, because in reality it is not.


Loopholes in the evolutionary theory of the origin of life: Summary - (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2022, from the-origin-of-life-summary

That argument has fallacies. First is that the motion of "who created God" is dismissed because God is the start of everything. You cannot say that a life has sprung without absolute reason. Everything here on this Earth existed because God had created it. God had made its existence. Second, Creationism and white supremacy are a straw man fallacy. Using Mormons and your so-called racism is also a straw man fallacy. It is very different from the topic we are discussing today.

There are two reasons - main reasons - why God exists. First, we look on the perspective that everything exists because someone had made its existence. You and I are the product of this creation. You wouldn't exist if you omit the higher being that made you existing in this world. Second, science cannot prove why we are feeling guilty or why we are sympathetic towards others. Science cannot prove why the values we hold is right or wrong. It is because that God had given those moral obligations and we are His implementors.

Resource: Evidence for God’s Existence – Grad Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2022, from

I am against death penalty. I believe in what we call “restorative justice”, in which criminals have a second chance to regret their crimes and live another life - because all humans deserve to live. Death penalty chooses no person - even if you’re innocent of the crime. When an innocent is sentenced to death, there is no way to reverse the life that you had taken away. Life imprisonment is more humane because stripping your liberty and rights to live in the outside world is enough for the criminal to think what he’d done.

Yes, guns must be banned because with one click, a life will be taken away. Guns are responsible for the mass shootings and killings in America since guns give license to people to kill. Look at what happened to Texas, 19 innocent children and 2 adults are killed in a shooting committed by a teenager. In 2012, 26 people were killed in Connecticut by Adam Lanza in the Sandy Hook shootings. There are many incidents that happened because of people having guns. According to USA Today, mass killings happen every two weeks and four or more people were killed from 2006 - 2011 (BEHIND THE BLOODSHED, n.d.). Between 2009 - 2014, there were 277 mass shootings leaving 1,565 people killed and 1,000 people wounded (Mass Shooting Analysis Reveals Startling Finding, 2014; Mass Shootings in America, n.d.). In 2015, there were 294 mass killings leaving 1,464 people being killed or injured (More than One Mass Shooting Happens per Day in the U.S., Data Shows, 2015). If guns wouldn’t be banned, violence would spread, killings would escalate, and people would fear for their lives thinking that they can be shot anytime and anywhere.

2 points

It is only reasonable to believe in God. It is like seeing a tall building - that tall building exists because someone had created it. That is also true to us humans. The fact that we exist answers the question that God had created it (Truth For The World - It Is Reasonable to Believe in God, n.d.). I think no particles or atoms can create life. Life can be possibly formed because there is God who created everything you can see, not because atoms or the Big Bang Theory or any theory had created it. Every feature that you see in this world and every process that is occuring in this world happens because it requires a higher being to control it - from your birth until death - everything is under God’s control and purpose. There are phenomenas that cannot be proven by any scientific proof, which means that there is God who controls everything. Therefore, it is only reasonable to believe in God.


Truth For The World—It is Reasonable to Believe in God. (n.d.). Retrieved June 9, 2022, from

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