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RSS Ethanevans99

Reward Points:11
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6 most recent arguments.

Thats not what they do. They sell their food to other people for cheap and then they go and buy drugs with it

The replubicans are better. Really all of the parties are full of liars but the republicans aren't as bad

3 points

I am a student and if you dont eat junk food in excess it doesnt really hurt you that much. Also is it more harmful for a student to have junk food or not to eat because the school food is nasty. I eat lunch like maybe 3 or 4 times a month. The food is disgusting usually.

I think that cloning should be legal for medical purposes. If you are going to lose your kidney i think that the doctors should be able to clone you another one and not have to wait on some person to die so that you can have theirs. Also think about how many people die because they cant find replacements for their organs when something happens. So cloning should be legal for that kind of thing only, it would be creepy if you made another one of yourself.

2 points

Abortion should be banned in all but extreme cases. When you do an abortion you are killing an innocent baby that never had a chance at life. And while he/she will escape the pains of life he/she will also never know the joy of life either. He/she won't have the chance to grow up and have a girlfriend/boyfriend maybe get married have some kids. He/she won't have that chance. The only time i believe their is a legitimate case is when the mother is going to die because of the baby or maybe if the women and or girl got raped. The extreme cases it should be allowed if the persons parents and spouse/lover agree to it like that women who is brain dead and they are trying to save the baby and the baby will probably be messed up or dead when it comes out

Obama shouldn't have been elected president the first time much less the second time. He isn't from the US and he is making horrible decisions for our country. Obama care was all his idea and it sucks. Taking money from the middle class to give to the poor. And giving immigrants all the stuff we give them like free health care, housing, education, etc. No wonder we are a in debt so much. And a lot of people getting Obama care use it like a job, they don't try to find work or anything. They just sit on their lazy butts and do nothing. And then their kids do the same thing and sadly they have more than enough of those. I don't mind helping people ,but make them pass a drug test. I bet that will knock down the money we spend on that.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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