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RSS Eugelu11

Reward Points:6
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5 most recent arguments.
7 points

I'm straight, but my philosophy of life is basically letting everyone be who they want to be, as long as they don't disturb me or others.

2 points

I actually like them both, but Mario is my ultimate favourite

1 point

yes, I totally support this idea. Here (in Argentina) there was a time when they gave free condoms on the streets , on hospitals(they still do that) and on schools and that has helped A LOT of people. Many teens that I know are too shy to go to pharmacies and buy condoms (even boys), so they decide not to have safe sex because they don't have an easy way of getting condoms. Even a friend of mine who is still in her tweens was helped by the free condom at schools thing because in that way she understood the importance of safe sex and since then never had unsafe sex.

1 point

I believe some forms are slightly more acceptable than other, but the concept as a whole is unacceptable. I believe forms of it that don't involve real children in ANY WAY are more acceptable, because the most unacceptable thing about the concept of paedophilia according to me is when children are exploited or damaged in some way (either by traumatizing them, by sexually exploiting them, raping them, etc). But anyway it do not believe paedophilia is ok.

1 point

I think facebook SHOULD allow polygamy because there are some people who do practise polygamy and they would like to be able to show the world via facebook the people they are dating with pride and with the same rights that monogamous people have. Plus, just because facebook lets me add as many partners as I want it doesn't mean that I will automatically start dating other 3 guys. I'm currently in a monogamous long term relationship and I wouldn't want it to be any different. As a matter of fact I believe it's not moral to be dating several people at once, that's why I don't do it, but I don't mind other people doing it, because let's face it who am I to try to impose my thoughts/ moral/ religion to other people? Wake up, the middle age is over.

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