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RSS Firehawk

Reward Points:2
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

Think of all the problems it would solve, and it would also destroy terrorism and we probably would be more scientifically advanced if religeon never existed. Reminds me of the Family Guy episode were they go to different dimentions, and one of them is a dimention without religeon.

2 points

To be honest, I really don't think the human race is worth saving. We are a destructive, selfish and greedy race. At the moment we are destroying not only the world we live in, but the habitat of other inhabitants of the earth. Unless us humans can stop being so greedy and think of the long term effects of our actions and stop putting money before morals, we do not deserve to be saved.

1 point

Why would you legalise hacking?? Have you ever been hacked and had your bank account details stolen? Even if a country wanted to legalise hacking, they would not be allowed because other countries would protest. Even then, If hacking was legalised, it would make it insanely easy for hackers to hack, because one of the hardest parts of being a hacker, is to be undetected. If hacking was legalised it would make no sense, it's like legalising stealing.

0 points

Big corporations crush small companies stopping them from becoming bigger. They exploit forien workers paying them very little amounts of money. Also big corporations are corrupt and can effect government decisions eg. when george bush started the war on terror he made ALOT of money from the shares he had with the defence contractors.

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