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RSS Gpmig

Reward Points:7
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5 most recent arguments.
2 points

This doesn't really make sense your politcal views do not determine your compassion.

But what you could say is that liberals support medicare/medicade, liberals don't support the death penalty, (Based on the majority of liberal views) But conservatives for the most part are pro-life (if you consider that a good thing) but liberals support wellfare, so i think overall liberals support more things that benifit people while conservatives do not. Make what you want from this statement.

1 point

Atheists do not do anything but try to spread logic and reason, you don't hear people killing in the name of the FSM or in the name of atheism. Relgion is the real criminal.

1 point

It is just a term it is used to describe things foreign or new, it is not offensive. I don't hear people going around saying "Hey you dirty alien" it is not a slur it is just a word

-A hardcore leftist

1 point

Have you seen the all the proof that ISIS is a fraud, check out, i'm not saying its true it is just something to look into. But no the US should not go to war with another terrorist organization like alqada and spend tax payer money and waste years and years fighting, we make the neighboring nations like the Sauds and other countries to do something.

6 points

In my opinion religion has been used to explain the "unexplainable" at the time that the question was asked? If you watch civilizations grow and gain knowledge you see a disregard for the religion, Generally the more educated a society the less religion. Also if their is a god or gods why is there so mcuh suffering, and the "Free will" argument is not valid.

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