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RSS Gypsywaldo

Reward Points:17
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Well, there's certainly a trend but I doubt that smartphones and tablets will replace TV completely. The "TV industry" is aware of the changes and thus, adapts to them (smart TVs, etc). Also, those devices do not provide a bigger screen, which is inevitable for a nice movie night with besties.

1 point

Like MichaelK already mentioned building customer relationships is a great value, since it shows the closeness to customers. And not just that, by using social media platforms you build a community for people of the same interest: the brand. This way it can be easier for companies to recognize trends. Furthermore the brand/company is present throughout the internet of course, which increases the company's search-ability. There are a lot more values...

1 point

There are probably a lot of arguments that prove the opposite, such as declines in the revenues, scarcity of recources or staying up-to-date more frequently. Still I want to believe in a future for print media. Of course the current trend is not supporting this vision, but the future of print media won't be anything like the past or present. I think there will be a trend for print media again in the future and newspapers, magazines or books will be traded as valuable goods possibly. Once people get used to the digital content, the printed will be something different and unique again. However it won't be ubiquitious.

1 point

Interesting! In short: I agree with Paul. eSports events seem to be too specific, while a conventional sporting event can attract a broader audience. Maybe this will change in future but as for now, this is definitely different. Also a conventional sporting event is an athletic one, while the focus at eSports events is set on other skills. Other than that they probably have a lot in common.

1 point

A hot topic you got there. To answer your question, I would say both. It serves as protection of the general public but at the same time it can be a threat. We do not control how much and what kind of information is exposed and what it is used for. Sure one simple person probably won't be of any interest but the information about someone with power or the mass as a whole could be useful for example. And who knows...

1 point

I don't think this is true any longer. A person with tattoos is not associated with criminals or bikers only but with the middle or upper class as well. The popularity of tattoos rose in the past years and they are widely spread in the media nowadays. Be it movies, ads, sports, toys, can find them everywhere, no matter what kind of influence. It is probably not the media that influences how the public sees people with visible body art but the person 'wearing' (or not wearing) this body art himself/herself. Of course there are stereotypes of some beings that still have to be portrayed a certain way to be authentic, stupid example (couldn't think of anything better): an angel or a flawless fairytale princess with tattoos would be rather awkward than trustworthy for most of us, unless it fits the whole concept. But some stereotypes can be easily adapted and portrayed in a new way without losing their credibility. The Samsung smart gear ad for example where only an arm with a tattoo and the smart gear was visible, suggesting it is the arm of a successful business man, works fine in regards to your topic. It definitely has a positive influence on the public's view.

1 point

A positive impact. We live in a society that is communicating with people online already, why not dating online as well?! It is still dating, the method just has changed slightly. Using online dating websites doesn't mean a person limits him- or herself to this particular way of finding a partner, the person just increases his/her chances to find somebody. Dating in real life is still possible and people will not unlearn how to date. Also, for people that are too shy for example, dating websites are a great tool to still meet someone.

1 point

I prefer calling a person instead of texting for example. It rules out misunderstandings, it is more personal, it is faster, it is straight forward and it is real. Digital communication is ever-present and we tend to use it more and more to communicate with other human beings. This makes me longing for face-to-face communication even more. Of course it is part of the internet age but you learn more about a person when meeting face-to-face.

1 point

It should be banned. We are still not aware of all the side effects of GMO, until this is not completely researched, we should not easily allow it to be part of our lives.

1 point

I agree with this opinion. They are mostly in a rush to bring out new information.

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