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RSS Hollyroller

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1 point

baby rights come on!

if he or she could talk i bet he would say, let me live!!!

1 point

look at historical facts.

Fact 1.) there was a man named Jesus

Fact 2.) he had a great following

Fact 3.) he died on the cross and there was witnesses

Fact 4.) the tomb they put him in was found empty yes that is a fact in the history books it was found empty they dint say he came to life but it was found empty.... o look at fact 3 again then read the next fact.

Fact 5.) there where witnesses of seeing Jesus with his disciples

Fact 6.) Christianity exploded where this all took place, (so that means people saw all this go down and was changed and became a follower of Jesus Christ.

Finlay Fact 7.) the body of Jesus has never been found even when searched for back then and some still look to this day....

my thoughts.) if his body was never found after he said this was all going to happen before it even did, then saying he will leave and come back for us.... ya it just makes to much seance to not believe that. thats just some historical FACTSSSS that prove this there are many more through out the bible......

nothing in the bible has been pr oven wrong or a lie yes they may say its all lies or believe its just made up but no one can prove it wrong. and yet we have facts

0 points

Looking at the point of view of reason in a scientific way, you would have to believe that there is no reason to trust reason. Your not free, you are just an accident, and you are just a chemical reaction that just happened by chance. You are programmed to do what every you are made to do (by chance). Why should you trust your mind if there is no reason to trust your mind? All your thoughts, feelings, and ideas are just accidents. Love is just a chemical reactions its not real its only chemistry.

The way scientist’s decide what theory is right and true, is the theory with the most exclamatory power. Well at a Christian point of view I have no worries on how I feel, why I’m here, and what I should do in this life. There are so many more logical ways to prove that God is our creator, and that Jesus Christ is our savior. That not only sounds more logical then coming from nothing or matter that has been here for all eternity, that everything is an accident, we just happened by chance, we have no real meaning, we will just become dust.

Reasoning and thinking is what faith consists of. Do not go off your first reacting and run with it, think! Do not look at something and just base everything off of that, but look at the big picture. Sight can lead you to not have faith. A reactions is how your quickly answer your question. Think and try and figure it out and don’t just tell yourself science is the answer, it not logical. Yes science is a major tool in are way of living an understanding of the world. Science is true in so many ways, but the theory of life is just not logical at all, and we need to except that. There is a supreme being that made everything and is all knowing. Faith in God is the reason for the universe, faith in science is not logical at all.

0 points

that is self defeating, your believing in nothing, your belief is to have no belief, that is just ignorance.

0 points

Atheism is a religion for many reasons. Atheism is people that do not believe in a all knowing god this is the real def is, (in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Most inclusively, atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist. Atheism is contrasted with theism, which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists) as you read the definition the key word is BELIEF! what is religion? its beliefs same thing. you have people that try to spread there views/beliefs in atheism as well as many other religions.

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"i love my god ask me any questions about him or life in general i would love to help."

Biographical Information
Name: mike pat
Gender: Male
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Christian-other

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