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RSS Ice23

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

Chomsky proved that children had the capabilities to LEARN grammar, but there were no "built in" grammar rules that we were born with.

I still don't see that evidence even proves that knowledge comes from rationalism, your faulty argument tries to demonstrate that we our born with knowledge.

1 point

Tom Hanks is too old to be spiderman. That doesn't make any sense, spiderman is supposed to be student age!

1 point

No, I don't wanna be deaf by the time i'm 40 thank you very much.

1 point

It's beneficial, but it's certainly not necesary. If the guardian thinks that the kid is responsible enough to get behind the wheel, sure why not? But it's not necessary.

0 points

This is hardly being a Devil's advocate, being a Devil's advocate requires that you have an argument. I don't see one here... dumbass.

1 point

Texting and walking is not very dangerous at all; you said the person usually goes slow if they are texting, and therefore they are unlikely to get themselves injured while texting and walking. Your whole argument is based on the fact that texting while walking is annoying; just because something is annoying, should it be banned? I find people farting very loud in public to be annoying, should we just ban farting in public?

ice23(9) Clarified
1 point

I say it is an illusion, though not an illusion for the reason that good and evil is determined by what is beneficial and what is not.

2 points

The environment is the determining factor in whether the person will do good or evil. There are no good or bad people, there are only people who make both good and evil decisions due to their situation; therefore the concept of good and evil is "invalid" because people commit "good" and "evil" deeds because the situation drives them to do so.

2 points

There have rarely been incidents involving a gun shootout in schools. We only fear shootouts because they have been so popularized by the media; big events (such as Columbine) have a lasting impression on our thoughts and fears. The actual chance of a shootout type incident occurring is extremely low, and therefore metal detectors would be a waste of money.

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