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RSS Iencourage

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point


It's simple. Just because 13% of Syrian refugees support ISIS doesn't mean that they're terrorists. In fact, about 6 million Syrian refugees have been fleeing the country since internal conflicts arose.

If all of them were terrorists, we wouldn't stand a chance.

1 point

It is morally correct that Syrian Refugees be allowed into the United States.

OK. To Americans, I'm going to sound like the grinch at a Christmas party here. I can't blame them: who wants to hear that their country is the problem causing this refugee crisis to intensify? No one. And yet that is what is happening. I am a legal resident of the United States, and I have been lately horrified by the current administration issuing travel bans on refugees. Actually, this problem is partly America's fault. The United States is acting the same way every imperialist country ever acted in history. Why was the Cold War fought in proxy wars instead of a gigantic, single war fought in either the USSR or the United States? The answer is that both countries didn't want their countries to be destroyed, but they had to settle a dispute somehow. So what do they do? They ravage the Middle East, Korea, and Vietnam. Do they care what happens to those countries? No! Not at all! Do you think they lie awake in bed every night thinking about what they did? No! Absolutely not! Why did the US fight the Korean war? Not to protect South Korea. (Actually, if the US hadn't intervened, Korea would still be unified and we wouldn't have the DPRK missile crisis.) To protect themselves. Why did the US try to put SADDR (missile detection systems) and missiles in Korea? To protect South Korea? No! They just want to protect themselves. If nuclear missiles explode over Korea and millions die from the radiation, why should the United States care? Guam wasn't attacked. Syria was messed up by other imperialist countries and the United States has a moral obligation to help the people that powerful nations have displaced. G7 should stop complaining about the 'refugee crisis': it's all their fault! True, some problems in Syria are internal. But those internal problems may have been prevented if it weren't for external conflicts. Why is Africa still underdeveloped? Because of the 'scramble for Africa'! True, many African countries have internal problems-but those aren't entirely their fault. It is therefore ethically correct that Syrian refugees be allowed into the United States without much trouble.

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