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RSS Ivan_donchev

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Personally, for a fashion brand follower I think that the images are the main driver of interest. Afterall, fashion cannot be described with words, it must be seen in order to be evaluated. Fashion brands can introduce more material to the images like what material is used to make the dress/clothing, etc. But I think it depends on what kind of people are the majority of the followers. Are they just fans and want to know the development of the company appertoire, or are they potential buyers. This really makes a difference when deciding on the content of a social media page.

Well, in my opinion if a company wants to be up-to-date with its customers' wants and needs the presence on the social media is a must. This can be used to gain feedback from customers about the company's products/services or realize a necessity of the market, i.e. expansion of the product line, etc. Also social media can be used for promoting a new product or just to inform the public of the CSR activities that are ongoing at the moment.

I can't actually choose, because I think it depends on what you are looking for in a fitness centre. For some type of training sessions most fitness clubs are a good choice and paying extra money just to be in a "quality" fitness is unnecessary. However most of these "budget" centers do not have some of the more sophisticated machines that are required if you want to be a real Bodybuilder. If you just want to be fit and not in an obsessive way I think a "budget" fitnesss center will suffice.

Personally I think that the similarities are quite obvious: fans of the respective "sport" are gathered to watch their team/player play, it can be used as a betting platform and of course the marketing merchandise can bring a lot of profit to the players in this business. However, the differences I guess are that eSports can be a bit local (more expressed in Asia, rather the rest of the world), while most of the traditional sports like the Olympics and World Cup have a bigger fan base and are more developed at the moment.

I personally think that branding yourself will help the most during the hiring process when applying for a position at a company. After that the idea is that you represent the company. But I think the real problem could be if you do brilliant work in branding yourself to get a job, but you cannot "exceed expectations" later on. In the end self-branding is the way to make yourself stand out from the crowd of other job applicants.

In my opinion it is at least not harmful to have international business subjects in the university program. In my experience most of the things however are pretty common sense and it is not something a curious and interested person cannot learn by reading a few books and talk to people who are actively involved in the business world. Of course, today it is a necessity to have a diploma from an international degree in order to find a decent job in a globalizing world.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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