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RSS Jal1337

Reward Points:54
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10 most recent arguments.
3 points

The problem with saying that it'll take a decade to produce an oil is that the argument it was used over 10 years ago when they were debating it then. If we had chosen to allow drilling back then, we would be able to use the oil now and reap the benefits of it now.

I also don't understand why people say gas will only go down by pennies. Wouldn't oil be worth less if we had more of it based on the rules of supply and demand? The speculators will also see that the future of our oil will be better if we can rely less on foreign oil and more on domestic oil, and that will also lower the price of oil.

19 points

While I believe in theory socialism is really great, I have to side with capitalism. Capitalist societies seem to have very powerful economies. The U.S. has only been a country for 232 years, and has become a superpower. One huge reason is because of the great freedom, but capitalism has definitely helped. The GDP of the U.S. far exceeds that of any other individual country.

People like to say that capitalism doesn't work well because of greed. I'll agree that is one of the negative points of capitalism, but it's also one of the positive ones as well. In capitalistic societies, companies compete in a free market. They are of course greedy, but because of greed they fight to gain more customers. Competition almost always benefits the consumer because they are reaping the benefits of having amazing products or services.

0 points

Honestly I believe Socialism is better in theory. How could you go wrong with getting pretty much everything you need? I'd love for the government to provide me with all the necessities in life. Sadly in Anarchy their is no law or order, and chaos would ensue.

1 point

Great job, I agree with you fully. I've got another quote to add, also by Jefferson, "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

1 point

I think it is a great show and it brings light to a lot of issues. I don't agree with them on everything, but for the most part I do.

1 point

In theory, the best form of government is Communism. In a communist society everyone is equal under the law. Everyone gets everything they need: a job, food, money, etc. The government can provide everything for the people, which in theory is all a great idea.

The only reason it doesn't work is because of human nature. Humans naturally want to be greater then their fellow man. They are also greedy and corrupt. It is also very difficult for the government to keep on providing services for the people indefinitely. These are only a couple reasons why Communism is doomed to fail.

13 points

The main argument for why a pirate would win is because pirates have guns. What people fail to realize is that you can't shoot what you can't see. A group of ninjas could easily sneak on a pirate ship and kill them all before anyone could realize that the ninjas were on board. The only chance a pirate would have is if they somehow knew the attack was coming.

Ninjas are also way cooler in my opinion. You might see a pirate having all the girls and fun, but when will you just plain SEE a ninja? Ninjas also rely on strategy and stealth. Pirates rely on brute force and blowing people up with cannons. That strategy doesn't take much effort to do, unlike the ninja way.

2 points

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -George Santayana

1 point

While a lot of things in science can't necessarily be "proven", evolution and other theories have a lot of strong evidence to support them. A scientific theory is not like other theories. Gravity is considered a theory. It can't be proven to be 100% true, but there is clearly enough evidence that support it for it to be taken as truth.

Evolution is in the same boat. There are some undeniable evidence of evolution that exists. We have seen species adapt to the environment and change over time. You can't deny that part of evolution. I wish people would stop assuming that a scientific theory means that its a way that someone thinks and has no real evidence.

2 points

I can't think of any real reason why we still have our troops over there. The countries in Europe have there own military to use in case of an attack. Their is no real imminent threat of attack or anything that would justify having troops over their. It costs us a lot of money to keep troops in foreign nations. We also are spreading our forces out way too much and don't have nearly enough to defend our own country.

Winning Position: Socialism

About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Libertarian
Country: United States
Religion: Christian-other

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