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RSS Jaliadebate2

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

I am on your side with this and I also want to add on to what you said. In a text I read it said, "Just as TV became the primary medium for civic communications in the 1960s, social media is becoming this is the 21st century. This creates an opportunity for us to connect with our representatives at all levels." This shows how social media leads to powerful movements, let's people speak their mind, and talk to our representatives about the community issues to parliament.

1 point

Social media has saved many lives, which is why it's good for democracy. For example, in a text titled, "Facebook is helping our community coordinate responses to major crisis" it was stated in this text that, "...when people across the country organized blood donations to help victims they had never met. We built tools so millions of people could commit to becoming organ donors to save others after accidents, and registries reported larger boost in sign ups than ever before." Please notice how this shows how social media is used to save lives. And in another piece of evidence from this text it also states that there has been $15 million to people who are in need of it from earth quakes, and other crisis. Meaning none of this would be happening if it wasn't for social media.

2 points

I understand what you are saying, but I decorously disagree because “ media has influenced large-scale movements. Leading to the relatively peaceful ouster of long-standing dictatorship, outbreaks of violence. Protesters used Facebook and Twitter to organize, plan demonstrations, and publicize their movements." Social media is not violence. If anything it prevents it. And from the quote that I put about it proves that :)

1 point

I considerately agree with you and want to add on but in my own opinion. I also think social media is good for the democracy because in an article I read it said, "When someone is thinking of suicide or hurting themselves, we’ve built infrastructure to give their friends and community tools that could save their lives.” This shows how social media saves lives, and gives people a second chance. Most people don't have anyone on their side when they have these certain thoughts, but thanks to social media they've made a way for those who don't have anyone, to communicate with people and by doing this you can save millions of billions of lives thanks to this social media infrastructure.

1 point

I reverentially disagree with you because in a text I read it said that, "...there are even more cases where our community should be able to identify risks related to mental health, disease or crime.” This shows how social media can identify crimes suck as false information, and shut them down, so no one will have to worry about it anymore. And personally I think people have a choice to believe things and to not believe, so really if you want to think about it, it's not the social media's it's the person who's believing it.

1 point

I decorously agree with you because in a text I read it said, “To help during a crisis, we’ve built infrastructure like Safety Check so we can all let our friends know we’re safe and check on friends who might be affected by an attack or natural disaster." And by saying this, it shows not only how using sites from social media help you during crisis, but also how you can connect with your loved ones and make sure that they are okay during these rough times.

0 points

I respectfully disagree with you because social media has made websites that prevent these types of things form happening. For example, in a scientifically proven text it was stated that, "To prevent harm, we can build social infrastructure to help our community identify problems before they happen." This shows examples of how social media prevents bad influences from happening.

1 point

I think social media is good for democracy because it helps us have connections with our representatives, and prevents negative things from happening.

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