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RSS Jamesgooch

Reward Points:12
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5 most recent arguments.
2 points

Hey yeah this sound familiar: States with gun laws have defenseless citizens while criminals are armed to the teeth.

2 points

So just because a guy can speak well we should assume he will lead well? To me it sounds like we just found a guy who can describe a better fence (it's still a fence) for more people to sit on. And as far as rhetoric, I think he's just orating a new kind of sophistry that the voting majority is not ready to listen to. If it is not going to be McCain it will be some last minute third party unknown conservative who isn't quite as ancient.

3 points

Obama has youth and looks which the media loves, funny thing is that before TV most of our presidents we very ugly guys (please contest this i dare you). I think in the end most of us will end the popularity contest and agree Obama is a great guy but he's no president. I can see him having his own TV show when this is all over...maybe become a correspondent for some news channel or maybe even become John Stewart's new side kick. Whatever he does I am sure Chavez, Raul, and all their pals will have something new to tune in and tune out to.

7 points

It may be more reasonable to ask “What are they voting for?”. Let’s keep in mind that in a sense when voting for Cornyn or Noriega what we are doing is voting for someone else to speak for us. I mean we all know that the some 23M people of Texas are split down the middle in how we look at the War, Social Programs, and the Economy. Right? No? Well then it might be a little more important to ask what they have a history of voting for over who you should be voting for.

Check out: Cornyn may not sit in the middle of how I would vote given his opportunities but hey…. Close enough huh.

4 points

Once again we set ourselves up with a question of "Who should I vote for..." but fear not timid little voter the mass media will be there to assist your every feeble step... Let's be realistic folks, money is king and by all comparisons John Cornyn has the money and we can all go ahead and pen this in as fact. While lacking in funds Noriega does have a large number of supporters who have no history of huge voting turnouts but somehow hold a great history of inking up the street polls as the Hispanic population, fed by immigration, is much larger than the numbers of Hispanics who are eligible to vote. All signs point to Cornyn.

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