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RSS JebiseTito

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4 most recent arguments.
jebiseTito Clarified
1 point

I would like to point out, my comment is to name non-religious examples of anti-gay theory and not aimed to be an anti-gay platform

1 point

Here is an example, homosexuality is seen as damaging to upbringing of the child, is harming the state due to lower births, it is a mental disorder and link to manic depressive behavior. These are some examples of non-religious antigay theory.

1 point

Not true, to see other forms of being against homosexuality, look at the former Soviet Union, Romania under Communism, Yugoslavia under Tito etc. Many Communist governments, both non-Soviet allied and Soviet allied had laws against homosexuals. The laws ranged from prison, mental hospital, to being used in medical testing. Majority of e Communist governments were secular, or atheist, and religion did not have a a large say in politics. There are also differing views with same religions of different sects, and religions that see nothing wrong with homosexuality.

1 point

To understand Hitler, Fascism needs to be understood. Fascism was first started in Italy, 1893-1897 It was taken from Marxism, and views on unification of Italy, with some takes from Garibaldi( see unification of Italy) It was ment to bring a stronger state. Hitler changed some things, one was bringing in Eugenics, a concept that had been debated out side of Fascism for decades. It not only had racial purity, but also the concept had the idea that crime was genetic( see writings of Cesare Lombroso ). To insure power, Hitler allowed some to think freely, with in the ideology, and as long as they were party members. He brought nationalism of economic systems with in the state, and founding of the SA, lead by Ernst Rohn. The SA later became the SS, how ever, the idea of the SA was taken from the Soviet Cheka, founded by Felix Dzerzhinsky, and first lead by former Soviet minister of war, Leon Trotsky. Opposing Communism had a lot to do with bring him power, and opposing a political element then a different view point. With in Nazi Germany, they took wealth, most of it was from Jews, and foreigners, but also from corporations not in line with Nazism, as not inline to Nazism was seen as enemies of Germania, and was made illegal under Hitler. So to answer the question, Hitler was both a Fascism and an authoritarian Socialist, because e brought views from both into Nazism

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Country: United States

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