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RSS Jeromeheng

Reward Points:1
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3 most recent arguments.
0 points

Man Jun Jie - Kuwait should be blamed for the war as they refused to not overproduce oil which caused a drop in oil prices. This caused Saddam Hussein to have the opinion that Iraq would not be able to rebuild its infrastructure and economy with these low prices.Also, Kuwait was also guilty of stealing oil from Iraq through the use of 'slant drilling' which they admitted to stealing only two and a half million barrels of oil, as though it was not much. This further gave Saddam Hussein reason to invade Kuwait.

1 point

The OPEC, a group of oil producing countries including Kuwait and Iraq, set quotas on oil production to control the supply of oil. If oil production was too high, the price of oil would decrease. However, Kuwait paid no attention to the OPEC's demands, and produced more oil than they were supposed to. Oil prices thus fell from 18USD to 7USD. This caused Iraq to lose 1 billion in oil sales. Since 90% of Iraqi revenue came from selling oil, the effects on Iraq were devastating. Iraq had no choice but to conquer Kuwait and force it to produce less oil, increasing oil prices and restoring the economy.

1 point

I believe that social media does not make users less social. Instead, through my experiences with social media, I have come to a conclusion that social media can actually help us become more social. For example, social media such as Facebook can help us stay in contact with our old schoolmates. It can also allow us to plan events to meet up with our friends. Personally, I know the people whom I talk to on Facebook and I also talk to them in real life. Since it is difficult to talk to some friends, such as our old schoolmates, face-to-face in real life all the time, Facebook allows me to talk to them online instead. From these examples, it can be seen that Facebook helps us become more social.

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