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RSS Jetsdad

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Why can't people just get along? we are all from different religeons/lifestyles/cercomstances/backgrounds/beliefs etc. But why cant we see people for what they are human beings, if u take creed/colour/religeon out of it what have u got?. western beliefs of how big is your telly/keep upwith the jonses while people[including new born babies] in other countries are starving/dyeing from diseases that cost pennies to treat/no food or water. Please tell me is it me, am i missing the big picture[as well as my spelling]. Why why why cannot any human being get allong? If in western life having more possesions/wealth/debt/expectations on the young/bigger house etc, but where is the happiness? you see people with alot less but greatful and alot happier? so where is the sense in all this?. I veiwed a programme last night where african albino men and women and children where hunted down so that their limbs could be sold for great riches, made me feel as thogh there is no hope, that after two millenion on this planet is wasted, people are people!!!, people are people!!!, please strip back this layer of religeous /monetary/social/belief led rubbish and help our fellow human yes human beings out, what or who ever gave us the rite to be bullys and where is the sense in where a country decides on spending masses of money on military strength and power while its people starve and die from disease/war and famine, please am i missing the point? which god said that the tyrant leaders life was worth more than the helpless baby?

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