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RSS John_li

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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I believe that your statement contradicts itself. You see, you say "nothing is nothing and it cant create anything so something", but then say that "SOMEONE must have started the universe". Where, then, would that "someone" come from? Did the "someone come from nothing?

1 point

It is incorrect to say "the nation’s top school officials and the National Governors Association got together to establish standard skill levels for high school students in basic courses." This is a complete lie. Common core was, in fact, funded by Bill and Melinda Gates to be funded by a small committee behind closed doors. States were said to have taken part in these decisions. However, they were only let in on this after many important factors have been decided. The implementation of common core was very sneaky as well. I am sure that most people are familiar with No Child Left Behind. It was a disaster and was hated by many teachers. States were told that they would receive a pardon from the current system, and most importantly, MONEY, if they chose to accept the new Common Core state standards. However, being created in most part by the national government, they would appear more to be national standards instead. Students now use something called standards based learning. These so called "standards" means that everyone should be at the same level by a certain checkpoint. I don't know about you, but I feel that it would be rather difficult to balance the achievements of a boy who loves science, and a girl that hates it and doesn't understand it. The only way to accomplish this is to lower the standards all together and I don't believe that lowering standards will help students reach greater heights. It is said that now students have an even playing field and each have an equal chance of success. Whoever said this forgot to mention that each person would have the same equal and LOW chance of success. I am sure that being a part time teacher, you would care about what your students learn and this new system is not allowing them to learn much. But anyways, what would a ranting freshman know about such a difficult topic?

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