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2 points

This video totally disproves the notion of prayer working.

Prayer = epic fail
4 points

A creator God - perhaps. The biblical God - no way in hell (pun intended.) For two main reasons - 1) he is immoral and 2) the problem of evil.

1) He is immoral.

He commits genocide by flooding the earth and destroying everybody alive. (Genesis 6:7)

He hardens Pharaoh’s heart, removing his free will so that he will not free the Israelites, allowing God to continue to cruelly and brutally torture the Egyptians, who were merely servants to a tyrant and had no part in Pharaoh’s decisions. (Exodus 7:3)

God kills all the firstborn sons in the entire land of Egypt, even the sons of slave girls who played no part in oppressing the Israelites.

On a much grander scale, God sets a plague upon the Israelites and kills a whopping twenty-four thousand of them because a bunch of them had sex with people who practiced a different religion than them. (Numbers 25: 1-9)

My personal favorite Bible story - He sends two bears to tear forty two children to shreds for calling Elisha a “baldhead.” (Kings 2, 2: 23 – 24)

In addition to the immoral acts that God commits, there are the immoral acts that he commands -

Homosexuals must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10-13)

Those who pick up sticks on the Sabbath must be put to death. (Exodus 35:2)

Blasphemers must be stoned to death. (Leviticus 24:16)

Girls who are not virgins when they get married must be put to death. (Deuteronomy 22:13-21)

Disobedient teenagers must be put to death. (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

Prostitutes whose fathers are priests must be burnt to death. (Leviticus 21:9)

NOW - the only decent counter argument I have heard to this is that since God creates morality, he decides what is moral and what is not, so he can't be immoral. Indeed, perhaps atheists/agnostics are using their own personal judgment of morality, and have no credibility!

But this too would be incorrect. if God is the sole proprietor of morality, he is necessarily a hypocrite as well, ordering Israel to show no mercy on their enemies, wiping out the armies that oppose them, murdering countless babies in Egypt, and accepting bargains involving human sacrifice… All the while telling the Israelites “Though shalt not commit murder.” As has been proven above, this specific commandment should have far more accurately read “Thou shalt not commit murder… unless I say so.” On the subject of the apparent prohibition of adultery and “coveting thy neighbor’s wife,” God’s favorite King David himself found Bathsheba desirable, impregnated her, and had her husband, Uriah, killed so that he could have Bathsheba to himself. After God killed their child, he rewarded the couple with a second son, who went on to become the great King Solomon. When it comes to thievery, God repeatedly commands his chosen people to ruthlessly destroy their enemies and steal what is not destroyed for themselves - Including the people who can service as slaves, and the women who are found to be desirable.

2) The problem of evil.

Here is the argument presented clearly by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy –

If God exists, then God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent.

If God is omnipotent, then God has the power to eliminate all evil.

If God is omniscient, then God knows when evil exists.

If God is omnibenevolent, then God has the desire to eliminate all evil.

Evil exists.

If evil exists and God exists, then either God doesn’t have the power to eliminate all evil, doesn’t know when evil exists, or doesn’t have the desire to eliminate all evil.

Therefore, God doesn’t exist.

I have not gone into a good amount of detail about the problem of evil so I am open to any questions regarding it, because I maintain that it successfully disproves the Biblical God.

In conclusion - A God who created the world is something entirely different. But when people ask "do you believe in God" the question usually refers to the Christian/Biblical God. So, as I have shown, I do not believe in God - and for good reason.

1 point

Because the New Testament is full of contradictions against the Old, and Christianity holds that they were both divinely inspired by the same God, so the New Testament cannot have been divinely inspired.

John 3:13 says that nobody had ascended into heaven before Jesus, while Kings 2 2:11 states unequivocally that Elijah ascended into heaven.

Genesis 11:12 says that Shelah was Arphaxad's son, and the genealogy listed in Luke 3:35-36 contradicts it directly by saying that Shelah was his grandson.

Leviticus 20:9 condemns those who curse their parents and sentences them to death. On the other hand, Jesus declares in Luke 14:26 that no man can become his disciple unless they hate their parents, along with their wives and children, and brothers and sisters.

Numbers 25:9 states that God killed twenty-four thousand people in a plague, but in Corinthians 10:8, the death toll is twenty-three thousand.

Additionally, there are conflicting verses within the New Testament itself.

Matthew (1:1-16) claims that there are 27 generations between David and Jesus, Luke (3:23-38) claims 41 generations.

Whosoever shall say Thou fool shall be in danger of hellfire.

- Matthew 5:22

[Jesus said] ye fools and blind.

- Matthew 23:17

“For by grace are ye saved through faith... not of works.” - Ephesians 2:8-9

“Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.” - James 2:24

Practically everything about the religion is self contradicting. It's not even a question.

1 point

It shouldn't be. The Christian God doesn't exist. Firstly, the Bible was written by primitive human beings who weren't bothered by the horribly immoral acts of the Bible's main character - God. God commits genocide by flooding the earth and destroying everyone alive (Genesis 6:7). He kills all the firstborns in the land of Egypt, even the firstborns of slave girls who played no part in oppressing the Israelites. God sets a plague upon the Israelites and kills a whopping twenty-four thousand of them because a bunch of them had sex with people who practiced a different religion than them (Numbers 25: 1-9). He sends two bears to tear forty two children to shreds for calling Elisha a “baldhead.” (Kings 2, 2: 23 – 24).

The list goes on and on. Additionally, branching out from the Old Testament for a minute, the New Testament and Old Testament are clearly incompatible; therefore, the former cannot be divinely inspired. There are obvious contradictions between the two.

John 3:13 says that nobody had ascended into heaven before Jesus, while Kings 2 2:11 states unequivocally that Elijah ascended into heaven.

Genesis 11:12 says that Shelah was Arphaxad's son, and the genealogy listed in Luke 3:35-36 contradicts it directly by saying that Shelah was his grandson.

Leviticus 20:9 condemns those who curse their parents and sentences them to death. On the other hand, Jesus declares in Luke 14:26 that no man can become his disciple unless they hate their parents, along with their wives and children, and brothers and sisters.

Numbers 25:9 states that God killed twenty-four thousand people in a plague, but in Corinthians 10:8, the death toll is twenty-three thousand.

Like the immoral acts of the Christian God, the list of trivial Christian contradictions goes on and on.

From this, we can see that the Christian bible was obviously written by fallible, mortal humans who could and did make mistakes. Christianity is not the best explanation of his being.

7 points

He most certainly is. The "Epicurean Paradox" proves this quite well. Epicurus was an ancient Greek philosopher who once posited the argument - "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" In essence, this is a restatement of the problem of evil. The problem of evil goes like this - If God exists, God is omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good. An omnipotent being has the power to prevent evil from coming into existence. An omniscient being knows every way in which evil can come into existence. A perfectly good being wants to prevent evil. Therefore, if an omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good being exists, evil cannot. Evil does exist, so God doesn't. The "Epicurean paradox" sufficiently disproves God's existence.

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