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RSS Jtyrellv

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I think It'd be GREAT! Albert Einstein probably would have figured out how to make flying cars by now if he never died.

1 point

I, for one, believe that religion keeps people in-line. However, that depends on which religion. Although I am not one, I feel that the Jehovah Witnesses would be the best religion for society today. I do know a fair amount of Witnesses and compared to the other Christians, Catholics and Muslims I like Jehovah Witnesses better. With all of the corruption and crimes associated with other religions I feel that the Witnesses are a better choice. The majority of them at least attempt to follow what the bible teaches. The only few negative things, to me, that can be said about Jehovah Witnesses is the failed attempts at predicting the end of the world back in 1914, 1925, and 1975. Needless to say, they suck at predicting Armageddon. However, I feel that if everyone portrayed at least half of the characteristics of a Jehovah Witness, the world would be a better place.

4 points

Either Way, If God Exist Or Not. I Believe Some Religions Are Good For Society. With All The Corruption In The World Today, I Think It Would Be Good For People To Have The Same Fear Of Their Consequences As Some Children Have Had When They Know They're Gonna Get Spanked For Something They Did.

4 points

I Have Played On Both The PS3 And Xbox 360, But I Like The PS3 The Best. To Me, The ONLY Reason Somebody Can Say The 360 Is Better Than The PS3 Is Because Of The Games. Higher Quality Games Are Made For The 360. However, That Doesn't Mean That It's Better, That Just Means The Makers Of Those Games Chose To Go With Microsoft In The End. There Are Two Reasons Why I Don't Like The 360 1: Mine Froze Every Two Days, And Microsoft Was Going To Start Charging Me For Them To Fix It. But It Wasn't My Doing, I Only Played On It For About An Hour Every Other Day 2: Having To Buy Batteries. Personally, I Stopped Playing Halo Midway Through Halo 2, It Started To Suck, The First One Is A Classic, Hands Down, But After That, They Just Fucked Up. But I've Always Liked Killzone Over Halo. And MW/MW2 Is Way Better On PS3 To Me.

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