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RSS Justfaceit

Reward Points:5
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

If it's a choice, how come people would CHOOSE to be bullied, depressed, abandoned, and suicidal?

2 points

no offense to the obese children, but they need a heads up and a reality check. obesity is dangerous to their health. Disney, is just trying to help. TOUGH LOVE PPL.

2 points

Both were legendary, but Michael was born an entertainer. He began his career as a child, he learned to dance by himself, he wrote songs, sang songs, wrote music, choreographed dances, starred in movies, wrote poems, painted, drew, and he was an amazing person. He was a philanthropist, he raised awareness, saved cancer patients, and so much more. He wrote iconic songs that raised awareness such as We Are the World. He was born with an amazing voice and incredible ability to dance. He is original, a fashion icon, a trendsetter. HE IS AMAZING.

1 point

FIRST OF ALL. he is not a idiot. if he was a child molester he wouldn't spend time with children as much as he did. people who are guilty hide as much evidence as they can. and since he made it obvious he loved children, he obviously did nothing to them. The first child to accuse him of it apologized and admitted lying later, and the second one that accused him was born and raised in a con-family. and there are tons more children who STOOD IN COURT RISKING THEIR PUBLIC IMAGE TO JUSTIFY THAT HE NEVE DID ANYTHING TO THEM.

1 point

The bible states homosexuality like it is a choice. homosexuality is not a CHOICE. no one CHOOSES to be teased, hurt, bullied, or ABANDONED. people KILL THEMSELVES because of dense idiots who think it is wrong. They can not help who they find attractive. and frankly, who the fuck cares? how does this affect YOU. it makes you uncomfortable? look the other way. suck it up and stop being a baby. what has the gay community done to HURT the world? adopt the abandoned babies created by STRAIGHT people? Some of the geniuses of this world are gay. Elton John, is one example. a legend in the music industry, HE MADE DISNEY SONGS. FOR FUCKS SAKE PEOPLE STOP BEING SO BIASED. All love is love.

Winning Position: Unresolved

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