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RSS Kerouac232

Reward Points:16
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

The point is not choosing whether you want to be rich or work hard to be rich, or whatever you are trying to say. Obviously this shows the economy is no where as good as it could be. The government could be so much better, and the economy can rise, so the people can enjoy their lives.........

Or maybe the communists are lazy fucks.....either way..... FREEDOM!

4 points

I hope this was meant as a rhetorical question. Through all of my studies and enlightenment another Red Scare would be the worst thing possible for our current situation. The Vietnam War was one of the most disputed wars through history. Inter-personally, I will always led more to the better interest of the people. Anyone who believes communism is the way to go, just look at night map of Korea, then decide. With all of that being said I'm sure most people would prefer Freedom over anything else.

Supporting Evidence: The Map (
1 point

I very much like the quote, and that being said, i believe that our government is becoming more tyranny each day... It is obvious that the people are ran by the government, and not the other way around. I've seen guys come and go that promise change, but all in all most fail to do the changes they promised... our government is going nuts.

1 point

It all depends on your definition of religion. My definition is someone who dedicates all their life to a creator of some kind. So I could understand how one could think environmentalism is becoming a religion, but for the most part, its just a hobby or belief.

1 point

I completely agree!!! If someone wants to try these substances, then they should be more than allowed. I believe the shit they sell in the stores that are supposed to have the same affects as these substances are worse, both mentally and physically.

1 point

even having no purpose is still a form of purpose. so yes.

1 point

I would have to agree with the if something did happen, then it shouldn't be banned statement. My mother and grandmother were school bus drivers and they came across many children that were affectionate in that way.

1 point

America, this place is all about choice, and the freedom to do as one desires. Yes, it is, but so many people are unaware that they are not completely matured until your early twenties. the average is from 20-24. It is vital to maintain the substance let out into your people, so i think the limits and understanding of the these limits would justify why these things are the way they are.

kerouac232(16) Clarified
1 point

I'm not saying this one bit on a religious scale, but I also questioned the "free will" thing before I did a full on study. Everything that would even make an individual think that being christian makes you free will is only implied.

kerouac232(16) Clarified
1 point

There is is nothing in the bible that says anything about free will...

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Damn hippies.
Winning Position: foreign policy?

About Me

"I'm just someone looking for perspectives and different outlooks on important matters."

Biographical Information
Gender: Chap
Age: 30
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Religion: Other

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