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RSS Lallijo1

Reward Points:20
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

1. that thing inside you is not a virus. It has the potential to grow into an adult human which is very precious. Oh, and it has a heartbeat at 5 weeks. So there are millions of babies killed with a heartbeat every year. how sad

2. I don't want to control your body. Rather i want to protect the growing human inside of you.

1 point

I find some of these points shocking and sad. For instance, you minimize-no trivialize- the unborn human's instinct to live, eat survive. This is the very beginning of human life for god-sakes! It is not what is physically there in the womb which is at issue. Rather, it is the fact that this living thing inside the mother has input within it the POTENTIAL to grow. It is this instinct to develop, this fight to survive, to perpetuate itself which is beautiful and precious!! The potential is the important thing which is rare and precious, because one day you and I will both be dust with no more potential. So let's not let young ladies end it because it's hard to raise children and because it takes work.

1 point

Oh everyone's wages will go up? really? tell your boss that, especially in a bad economy when people are getting laid off or getting 0% merit increases. i received 20% raises for the past 3 years and will get 0 this year. If i argued your point that everyone's wages will go up, that wouldn't go over so well. the only wage that will necessarily go up is the govt mandated minimum. Everyone else gets screwed.

1 point

1. cut the chord somewhere

2. costs are high because treatments are precious. tell your 37th argument to the canadian who has to come here to buy drugs or get a kidney

3. life is hard. govt control will stifle progress. it is what it is

4. it wont be efficient. it will be robin hood game all over again. like housing.

1 point

1. he says prev care all the time because it is a catch-phrase that makes him seem like an MD. it really doesnt take that much education. and if people need motivation- then let them suffer because that is motivation.

2. streamline?? the FED is going to streamline? are you serious? do you really think software companies havent already worked on electronic med records? care is expensive becauese our lives are the most precious things.

3. Again, feel free to help people. for instance, i myself give 5% of my wages to charity. I also work about 10 hours per week helping a non-profit provide- get this- healthcare services to children and the elderly. But the point is not to brag but that i of my own free will do this without a redistributionist govt making me do so. being a sociopath would be giving up on society and wishing it pain. i just have more faith in the common man than that.

4. what are you having trouble understanding? i'm just saying that govt can print money to pay for healthcare for all or just increase tazes to pay for artificially low healthcare costs. Low healthcare costs would drive out private competition that does not have the power to extort people or destroy fiat currency value.

1 point

i disagree because a min wage mandate is a permanent, pervasive increase in a factor of production (labor) that in theory can touch all industries. So those "other" goods you talk about may not go down in price.

do this for me:

1. draw curves for the demand and supply of labor and dot where they intersect

2. then draw line MW horizontally above the dot to indicate a fed mandated min wage.

3. note that you now have a higher quantity of labor supplied than what is demanded. that gap is called "disemployment", or in other words you drew too many people into the labor market because you did not let wages settle at their natural equilibrium.

1 point

to respond to your points in their stated order:

1. stop with the obama tagline of "prev care"- just dont be a fatass and live healthy- there's your prevention

2. intermediate economics lesson: govt mandates to reduce reimbursements will reverberate back to the drug companies inasmuch as it will create pressure on them to lower the cost of their drugs. so they'll just stop being inventive. and yes, again i say it will result in rationed care. I like my care, so leave it alone please.

3. Life is meant to be hard. But by all means if you WANT to help the old man, that is admirable. but i won't force you to because you have free will and i don't want to control you.

4. of course that is not what is being proposed- have you ever had to sell something? the problem with not reducing cost is that it will skyrocket when we line up with our welfare cards.

1 point


you seem to seriously underestimate how much cost-push our own behavior brings to the system. Our unhealthy lifestyle is a huge contributor to hearrt disease, diabetes, stroke, some cancers, etc. C'mon, please realize we have to take care of ourselves. It's like a catch-22: the more healthcare you give for free, or give away at the expense of the rich, the more unhealthy we are incentivized to be.


How is medical research separate from healthcare??? if there is no profit in the system, what incentivizes companies from discovering life-saving technologies?? those lifesaving technologies, drugs, etc. were VERY, VERY risky to discover, so they demand a higher return. No return on investment= no investment of capital.


I'm sure alot of bankruptcies happen because of medical bills. That does not mean we need reform. Life is meant to be hard. we have to deal with that, without socializing every aspect of our life.


socializing medicine any further beyond our bankrupt medicare/caid system would absolutely drive out competition because the government would ration care and lower prices. They can lower prices because they can a)print money b) tax the rich. Before you come back with "gee if prices are lower isn't that good?", remember i am saying they would not be reducing cost by lowering prices, but instead subsidizing the cost of care by taking money from others through taxes and other mandates.

1 point

"An increase of the cost of goods and services only leads to inflation if the government increases the money supply."

But again, the increase in min wage IS the inflation. so why increase the cost of goods artificially by mandating a wage?

2 points

OMG. i'm no economist i admit.but please do some basic reading on how fed reserve discount window and open market operations influence money supply and interest rates. The rate of gdp growth during clinton was great- it was expansion fed by the housing bubble created by easy money. who cares what president saw the bubble pop when the seeds were sown earlier?

Affordable housing: a bit of sarcasm. the housing bubble popping gave us this recession and affordable housing(lower prices) for those who get obamas $8,000 freebie. But my housing value went down. seems like a wealth transfer from me to them, so please forgive the sarcasm.

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