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Reward Points:3
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Wow on a completely unrelated note, what a bold claim. Can I see the Science that supports this claim, or your PHD in Physics. Because unless you somehow proved string theory, you can't back that claim.

1 point

Oh your view on religion is borderline idiotic. The fact that you summed all religions into one category is ridiculous from the get go. Where to start..... 1. self immolation is practiced by so few religions it is practically non existent. The Tibetans are the only people who continually practice this so i'm not sure how you coupled this whole idea with religion in general. 2. Tithing is not a requirement "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion" and many people in fact don't tithe. 3. Getting laid before marriage. I doubt many people follow this in whatever religion they practice, unless of course they practice there faith in a very very strong way, which today is not the case. 4. Gods name in vain? What kind of argument is this? This is just plain stupid. 5. Getting up on sunday and get dressed up? Again, invalid argument since you decided to sum religion into one group. All religions don't worship on sundays, nor get dressed up, nor go early. 6. Get home drunk and don't pray.... how many people do you think actually pray when they get home after a night of drinking? I can probably say not too many. 7. Not every religion fasts nor will you burn in hell for moral indiscretion as you call them.

Your argument is so opinionated that it deflates it. You say religion is bad because it forces you to do this and believe that, however, atheism itself forces you not to believe something. To not believe that there is a higher power than us is crazy to me (believe what you want) but this world didn't formulate out of thin air.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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