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RSS Lilmamakim

Reward Points:24
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I absolutely agree with you. But the mental issues are on both sides. Most often a bully is a bully because there is something going on in his/her own life that causes them to lash out at others. It needs to be found out what that negative issue is in their life. Maybe they have a parent who is a bully and its learned behaviour. Or maybe there is some other form of neglect or abuse going on with the child. Its rare that its just because they enjoy hurting someone.

2 points

Im voting on the yes side, although I dont usually give money itself, I offer to buy them food. If they truly are hungry they will accept. And Im not talking about a fast food meal, because its possible someone else may have already bought them a meal and they arent hungry again, yet. I buy them things from the store that can be used later. I have done this a few times. It will last longer. I could never turn my back on someone in need just because they "might" not be for real. I have been hungry before, I know the feeling, I cannot and will not take the chance of letting a person go hungry if I can possibly do something about it.

lilmamakim(24) Clarified
1 point

That's interesting, I had never heard of this person. Its just something I thought of once a long time ago when talking to one of my kids about religion. I thought about what you ask. God will judge us on our deeds, good and bad. As for why should he care whether we believe in him or not, well, this is just my thoughts on this. I asked myself, if I was God, why would I care? This may be a poor example, or a rather simplistic way of looking at it, since we are only human, and this would be human nature. But since he made us in His image then we have to assume we are basically like him. So, my thought is, If I did something very good and significant, say, at work. But someone else got the credit for it, I would care! So if God does exist and everything we know about Him is truth, and He really created all of us and nature and everything else, why would He NOT care? Thats a pretty signifant good thing, isnt it?

lilmamakim(24) Clarified
1 point

Ok, so that is your opinion, and you are entitled to it. Why on earth would I be offended just because of that? And if you are offended just because someone disagrees with your lifestyle, then honey, you are waaaayyyyy too sensitive. Now, if its a matter of them acting ugly about it, being rude or hateful, or name calling, gay bashing, ANY of that kind of crap! Then of course you should be offended! Hell I AM offended by that kind of ignorant behaviour! Honey, I live with my boyfriend who is a black man, and we live in Alabama!!! Do I REALLY need to say any more???

lilmamakim(24) Clarified
1 point

No sweetie, I wasnt mad at all, simply confused at how you seemed to be judging me before you fully understood where I was coming from. If I sounded mad, then I apologize, because Im not. It just that you used this example "

You're wrong.

I believe you're completely and utterly wrong.

Your entire life is wrong.

And nearly everyone you meet agrees with me.

Even though I still respect you, most people don't. Because you're scum.

Right? Don't worry, I won't treat you any different from normal people who aren't wrong."....... in a way that made it sound like this is how I speak to people, or how I make them feel. My friends who are gay or bi know my viewpoint and they are not hurt or offended in any way. They respect me for who I am inside, as do I with them. Lord, honey, my own daughter is bi-sexual! I may not "approve" but I still love her, and she is a wonderful loving woman. And its HER life! I will say one more time!!! NONE OF US HAS A RIGHT TO DICTATE WHO SOMEONE ELSE CAN OR CANNOT LOVE, OR BE WITH, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER WE DONT APPROVE!!! I hope I have made it a little clearer where Im coming from. And Im still not mad,lol...just trying to clear the air of any misunderstandings.

1 point

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! That sorry excuse for a human being makes me ill! If I could go back, I would STOP him before he had the chance to do what he did!

1 point

I could not have said it better. And coming from the mouth of a christian no less, I wonder how many people I just shocked! Lol

lilmamakim(24) Clarified
2 points

Would it be less cruel for me to lie? If they are mature grown folks, then they should not be offended just because I have a different viewpoint. I am not offended just because someone doesnt agree with me. Gosh, thats part of what makes life so interesting. If each and every one of us thought exactly the same, how boring would that be? And there would be no need for sites like this either, would there? : )

1 point

Thank you for your input, and having done so respectfully. Theres a few here who do not extend that courtesy. You are right that it is proof only for myself, and thats fine, although when I tell my story, most people, believers and non-believers, simply shake their heads in awe. Maybe soon I will tell this story : ) and I completely understand what you are saying about a blanket statement, which is WHY I said, I may be wrong. I was only stating what I had heard from others, including some athiests themselves. As a christian, I also do NOT have an answer or explanation for everything. None of us do, and probably wont until the day we die. I always say that "I would rather believe and find out I was wrong, than to dis-believe and find out I was wrong ; ) hey, at least I led a good life being kind and loving and honest. Nothing wrong with that, right? Lol...

1 point

Some are saying the woman should keep her legs closed and some are saying the men should keep their pants zipped if they dont want to suffer the consequences. Well, both statements are true. But unfortunately that isnt likely to happen. If you drink, it is YOUR responsibility to not drink and drive, and if you choose to do so anyway, KNOWING what the possible consequences could be, then you must pay the consequences if and/or when something happens. Same with pregnancy. Both parties KNOW the possible consequences, so if they choose to play anyway, YOU pay the consequences. Period!

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Biographical Information
Name: Kim Caldwell
Gender: Male
Age: 61
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Postal Code: 35217

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