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RSS Liltareq

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yes they do because allot of times when people type a essay or any kind of passage, they will contain " u, lol, omg"' etc. Writing in a texting form is incorrect and it contains useless words that means nothing except a peace of nonsense that has been written by an individual mind.

1 point

I say no to that question because not everybody is a criminal or a dangerous person. Yes people need protection for the better of their lives but not to the point where someone is watching you 24/7. The Government has to abide by the law to run the country in the right way not to creep up and watch people run around lingering and living there life.

1 point

I would support the fact of being fatherless then having a lousy father. Fathers most likely are supposed to be the provider for the household and solve the problems that comes in hand because his like the alpha male but if your lousy then what point is it for you to have around. Kids look towards their father as an example of how to be a man and to have responsibility's over the actions they make. so why not be fatherless when having a lousy father is the same thing.

1 point

I would say yes to that because my wife would be a murderer. A murderer as a spouse is not the happiest life you can bring upon your self, knowing that everyday you would have so much stress about when the cops might break in and take you for affiliating with a crime scene or even if your own life is in danger. So from these reasons I would turn my spouse in.

1 point

I say yes to that question because Shakespeare’s plays and stories that he had written are interesting in a weird way of literature. Each sentence garbs a persons mind and makes him or her think about the curtain image that’s going on in that story’s point. It’s a challenge for young readers to read the plays he wrote, Romeo and Juliet the mind blowing drama that has captured the world’s heart in every single way and students now a days should be have respect for Shakespeare’s work and learn of it instead of brushing it away.

1 point

I support Senator Obama for what he brings to the table. He is trying to make so much better for this country such as education systems and how it works, college money for students who can never afford that much. I mean we the student are the heart of America and Obama is giveing a better chance for us to grow onto a outstanding level of life. One thing i truely admire about his choices that, Obama wants the troops back from Iraq, there is no cause for our heroic troops to be somewhere without any war.

0 points

I would rather be loved then feared, why? because in any time or givien day a person that is being loved will be happy and have that smile on his or her face where ever they go. But a person that is ferared is the boss, but then again there is always someone out there that wants to be the number one guy too. Thats when hey try to get rid of the leaders which causes violence for inocent people and effects the economy it self.

2 points

good one man. i mean it is MAC, what can be so bad in this school.

1 point

Yes it is needed because there is alot of non school stuff going on, like people take drugs, skip school and for the most part the fights. So i think there should be surveillance in the school. But it dosent really matter to me because I stay out of trouble

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