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Reward Points:14
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Ultimately this is the governments fault for putting restraints on businesses who are scared to hire anyone because they don't know when they will have to pay more. However, these crowds include people who want to spread the wealth. Our country is one of few in the world where you can stand out and benefit from handwork and some of these people want to take that away.

3 points

Unlike the Tea Party revolution most of these people don't know what the hell they are protesting for. The protesters are socialists who would rather protest then get a life and a job. This country is turning into a battleground between socialists and the tea party.

1 point

Socialism is for the unemployed and it doesn't work(one example: EUROPE IS BANKRUPT). Capitalism is for the employed and allows there to be the AMERICAN DREAM(one example:AMERICA(especially before Franklin Roosevelt)).

0 points

I have one question for people who support obama: Do you like freedom? Obama is a fucking socialist and his stimulus failed he is campaigning while republicans are working. One guy said we gained 200,000 jobs in january. If i recall correctly january is 1/12 of a year and it is just reducing the number of jobs that obama has killed. I wish in my english class i could write a persuasive essay about democrats in general being stupid and ruining the ideals of this country including capitalism.

1 point

I wish someone would pass a law banning anything anti-capitalist including communism and socialism because Obama is scaring the crap out of me right now and people were scared during the cold war too. Democrats are complete morons even the ones who don't support socialism.

1 point

I wish someone would pass a law banning anything anti-capitalist including communism and socialism because Obama is scaring the crap out of me right now and people were scared during the cold war too. Democrats are complete morons even the ones who don't support socialism.

0 points

1)Democrats waste money by throwing it out the window

2)Democrats lie about what they are going to do with our money

3)Government doesn't create jobs BUSINESSES DO so cut the knots that have been holding businesses down

4)We were the best country in the world when we had no income tax

5)people spend more which goes to business who hire more

if we aren't able to eliminate the income tax in total then we should at least close loop holes

6)the "rich" earned that money just as much if not more then the other classes because they worked hard so i don't think we should say oh good job you did the american dream now you get more taxes

1 point

I hate the democrats because they always lie about what they do and play the name-calling game. I am anti socialist which is what many democrats are becoming today. The all say the "rich" should pay their "fair share." They want to spread the wealth, well thats socialism and the only thing I have to say is LOOK AT EUROPE(whose countries are basically all socialist). Our money is basically thrown out the window by republicans. If anyone disagrees with me on saying republicans are better then tell me and ill prove you wrong. Sorry for my anger it just shows how much i hate democrats.

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Winning Position: No
Tied Positions: Top Five Worst vs. To bad good ideas are wrecked by others

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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