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RSS Mackle64

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
3 points

Voting for Ron Paul wouldn't solve anything. His ideas start of OK, but then they go way to far. He wants to pull out our foreign troops. Sounds good. All of our foreign troops. Well that seems a bit much but OK. And he wants the US to become completely isolated from the rest of the world as well as, not only back out of the UN but also evict the UN from New York City. Does that not seem like a bit much to you? Not only that, but additionally, he wants to get rid of civil rights laws that prohibit segregation. How did that work out for us when segregation was legal? He even wants to get rid of federal highways. Even if he was elected, nothing would get done since congress would refuse to pass anything he created.

2 points

This is exactly what government is for. Are atheists any more terrible people than those who are religious?

Not at all.

1 point

Right off the bat you ask how did something come from nothing. How can that statement not seem hypocritical. Where did God come from? How does the Universe being created by a singularity make less sense than the existence of a magical being? There is no particular evidence that there is a God. The bible was written by Man. There is no anomaly that can only be explained by the existence of God.

3 points

You might be correct when talking about children under the age of 13, however, the people most affected by the future, are also the youngest. Sure it affects adults as well, however, it only affects people who are 100 years old for only a couple more years. Youths can drop out at the age of 16 and join the workforce. Maybe it is illogical to allow a 5 year old to vote, however, youths in high school have brains that are fully developed enough to chose their future.

1 point

How does this problem escape adults but not youths. You can never get around this problem unless you want to go back to poll tests/literacy tests.

2 points

I believe that the simple requirement to vote is age based has become impractical. There are people over the age of 18 who never finished high school beyond halfway through their 10th grade year. Now I'm not saying that means you are an idiot for dropping out (there are plenty of reasons for this). However, if a young adult is allowed to drop out of high school at the age of 16, than young adults should be allowed to vote at the age of 16. Why should a citizen who has a greater education than an older person allowed to vote, be denied the right to vote. They might be younger, however they are most likely as smart and as well informed as the 18 or 19 year old who dropped out at the age of 16.

1 point

Obama is simply the only valid choice between him and the four other Republican candidates. The current front runner for the Republican party (Romney) has changed his mind so many time on such an extreme level, that he cannot be trusted. Even Ron Paul is completely crazy. He wants to get rid of civil rights laws that make segregation illegal. He is entirely for states rights to control just about everything. He wants to get rid of Federal Highways. Newt Gingrich is a complete ass who seems to like corporations than the middle class. Santorum is a Homophobic racist who pretended that he didn't say that the US should support black people, despite video evidence of him saying it. Obama is the only candidate that can be trusted to not screw the country over. I agree that his economic reform plan was not very affective, but until I hear the other four candidates suggest something that could even remotely work better than Obama, I'm going to have to stick with him.

1 point

I think it is very inaccurate to claim that atheists cannot explain why such a huge portion of people have looked up for a 'God'. It is very simple, and more basic than humans are stupid or gullible. When humans did not understand something, they came up with theories as to why something happened. It is safe to say that evolution is a fairly widely accepted among humans today. Before evolution, people could not explain where they came from, so they made something up. Ages ago, the only way to explain many scientific questions, was a higher power. That was the only reasonable answer, there wasn't enough knowledge at that time. There is a reason there are significantly more agnostics and atheists in the world today, and that is because there is no need to use the reason "because of God" anymore in order to explain the universe.

1 point

The problem with your statement is that these nuclear weapons have already been made. Most countries (Like the US and Russia) are not making any new weapons. There are treaties for nuclear disarmament. At its peak, the United States had approximately 30,000 nuclear weapons, and they have reduced that to about 8,000 total. The money has already been spent on building these weapons, it can't be taken back. Building more nuclear power plants is not free either, they are quite expensive. Regardless of whether or not nuclear weapons should be abolished, this is not a good argument for abolishing these weapons.

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