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RSS Maeludir

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Every advocate of capitalism is ignoring its key flaw: inheritance. Most people begin life without a penny to their name, though a growing number have modest trust funds, and some - a minority of thousands, maybe tens of thousands - never work a day in their life and yet receive the best of everything.

In a total capitalist state - America for instance - this doesn't just affect a vast difference in quality of life, but in survival itself. Privatized health care, driven by purely capitalist ideologies, cheats people of average wealth out of life saving medicine regularly, and completely denies it to the poor. People who've worked hard their whole life, paid their taxes, made the rich richer, don't have a chance. NEVER had a chance, not from the moment they were born.

So long as 'greed is good', social revolt, war, destruction, poverty and inhumanity will all prosper. I don't know if there are enough resources for everyone on Earth to live well, and right now I don't care. Thanks to modern technology we have become a global community, but unless we shed this profitless greed(1) in our own cultures, we cannot move forward as a global community - moreover, we risk regressing to another world war.

(1)Afterall, what can billions buy that millions can't? Hell, what can millions buy that a million can't? And what kind of fool makes these purchases? Buying your own spaceship? That's hella cool. Buying the latest gadget... in 24ct gold? That's the kind of stupidity that - by capitalist logic - shouldn't exist in someone so rich.

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