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RSS Mayathors

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Social media can be used as a method to get different news stories told to the public in a quick, fast manner.

1 point

Social media can be used to uplift voices of people who don’t usually get to speak up.

1 point

Yes it is true that multiple people online may have opposing views on such movements, but these can be beneficial to calling out one's personal bias and learning about different views. Even with groups that are in the wrong, these can be beneficial to the democracy as they help politicians and other people of power to learn insight on opposing views.

1 point

I agree, social media is very beneficial because of how it can strengthen movements like BLM or PAL. This helps keep the democracy in check, as these movements speak on issues in the democracy to invoke change.

1 point

This is true that social media can enlarge negative issues, but this can be seen as a positive view because the more people who know about an issue, the more likely it is for that to change.

1 point

Social media is a good resource for movements to keep governments and other oppressive systems in check. This may look like using Twitter to call out the oppressive police system with the hhash-tag #BlackLivesMatter. Weston Gobar's “Social media can be good for democracy” provides evidence in support of this point, "Under the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter, activists were able to share photos and videos of excessive police force and militarization. Not only did activists use Twitter as a platform to publicize the use of tear gas, but activists in Palestine were actually able to provide them with real advice." This shows how activists were able to use social media to impact their governments and make a difference.

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