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RSS Mckenziesss

Reward Points:1
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1 point

While this is most definitely true, pushing away the race issues that exist currently in our society on the basis of all being human just doesn't solve anything. White supremacy is rare but still happens today. Many people are still racist today, even if they aren't open about it. I think that's become very clear with some of the immigration issue debates going on right now. It's important to realize that even if it's easy for you to ignore skin color related issues, others have to deal with it every day. Solutions aren't created by ignoring the issue.

And Black Lives Matter (as a whole) is simply just trying to solve the issue of ignored police brutality towards black folk. The first time I remember hearing a ton about the BLM was about the same time several unarmed black people were killed by police. After many stories came forward about an extreme difference (in individual cases) in prison sentences for the same crime between black people and white. BLM is not about saying other lives don't, or Black Lives matter more, but trying to make it a point that they DO matter as well when they haven't been treated as such.

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