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RSS Mcmurr

Reward Points:15
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

The Bible is not scientific, but you try to argue it that way. It is supernatural so your argument is somewhat dead in a religious context. As stated in an earlier post from your side of the debate, you have to speak in a language the opposing viewer understands. No one has yet to prove it wrong because you cant, it cannot be measured scientifically even though many have tried. You state that it has and I would love to see your evidence. I am a scientist and have yet to come up with any factual proof it is incorrect. Most of the OT is like a history book and should be taken in that context. Moreover, the writers did have their own views on what they witnessed as well. One final thing, all things are possible with God!

1 point

pizza boy, do not be so rude and disrespectful to the beliefs of others. Moreover, why do you make statements when you obviously have no clue as to what you are talking about. You sound ignorant and do not even propose a a good argument that contributes to the conversation. If you want to argue a point, do not sound so ignorant and know some facts before coming to the table.

1 point

I am a person of faith and agree with you completely! It is just like any battle, know your opponent and fight in a language that is familiar to them (not in a negative sense here, just an analogy) that they can understand.

1 point

It actually depends on the context and content of the argument. I believe regardless of your faith, you should always stand up for what you believe in, but I also believe in respecting the beliefs of others as well. I do not appreciate people who disrespect Christian beliefs and believe you should respect all religions without bias.

1 point

LOL, since when do young children even have a view on life, since they really do not even have a concept of what it is yet? At that age, they take the views of their parents. I am a person of faith and do appreciate the separation of church and state; however, most major religions believe in creation and disagree on most everything else. It could very well be taught as a theory or idea since 90% of the world population subscribes to some type of faith. I do agree however that school is for reading, writing and arithmetic. I am not a real fan of anything else being taught in public schools as even history and science has slanted views on certain topics. Creationism is not a science, but it does fit into other areas of our lives. Our children learn many things in school that their parents and family do not agree with, but that does not mean it is being "shoved" down anyone's throat or we should be offended by it, you just teach them the truth at home. For example, we do not believe in evolution, but it is "shoved" down my children's throats at school. I just teach my children that it is a popular theory and they can judge for themselves...end of story. Same holds true with Greek mythology. I think that is a bunch of hogwash, but I teach my children that it is just an interesting story of someone's imagination. I am a firm believe however that the schools should always, always, always, respect and encourage a moment of silence.

1 point

Not just ridiculous, stupid! How many starving children or homeless people could be better served by that waste on greed or stupidity?

1 point

lol, I totally disagree with you. America is made up of several cultures and that is the beauty of it. While I personally am not a pro-culture and traditions person (more of a humanity position), I do see that every culture and tradition is represented in America. I am American, but with me, I bring Irish and Scottish traditions that I grew up with and transfer those to my children. Everyone has a tradition and culture, but some just don't get all wrapped up into as a way to identify and value themselves. Success is not measured by your culture and traditions. To me, it is measured by your ability to love and respect others.

1 point

I have to disagree with the "self" thing there PYG. That is what is wrong with our me, me society. Yes, we are individuals, but we are also a part of something much greater than us...we. I am not saying you are wrong per se, I am just a person that puts others before myself and find it very rewarding, but I do agree with the rest of your post.

1 point

Does anyone really know their true culture and traditions anymore? Your culture and traditions are those you identify with. To me, it is a matter of humanity. At the end of the day, we all have the same basic traits, live, die and pay taxes. I do not care about ones culture because I love and respect them all and learn a lot about history, but more of a human element to me.

1 point

With all due respect, I think you all are really misled in your thinking. Rarely do our choices matter...seriously. This is not to be sarcastic, believe me, but how much do you really know about politics? Even our so-called foreign enemies know that the US government is not a reflection of its people.

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