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RSS Mrge

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3 points

The problem isn't whether women should be allowed in special forces or not. Since the not all women are the same (meaning some are just more naturally adapt at being a fighter than others)

The real problem lies within the reasoning of those who decide whether women should be allowed. The reasons behind is because "Generally" and I stress the word generally, women are physically weaker than men. That cannot be argued. Countless evidence prove that with the same amount o training, a males body can withstand more blunt physical trauma (i.e hitting) than a females. Not only that, countless test show that males generally conclude their decisions logically the majority of the time vs. Females. War isn't pretty, it causes all sorts of stress, trauma and psychological and emotional damage to the person. During all this, especially in the special ops, they need people who will think clearly without emotions clouding their judgment. Not only that, generally, males have been shown to prove to outlast females in endurance tests with the same amount of training/ preparation. Basically, when it comes down to it. The males body is more suitable to fight. Now keep in mind these are all generalized statements and I pointed out that this isn't the issue and is just the view of the military.

On the other hand...

The real issue is the fact that it is generalized. Like I said earlier, not all women are the same and some are more adapt to fighting just as well to men. The real issue is they Military should open it to all genders but have them go through a rigorous training, a year if they have to, more brutal than the one they have now to make sure that those who past are really fit to become part of the special ops program. Excluding women out of some of the military's programs is ignorant in a way to exclude some potentially valuable soldiers to the military. The the issue in short is, excluding women out won't do any good if some women can make the cut. Make both genders go through the same training and weed out the weak ones individually.

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