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RSS Nicknack

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2 points

Stupid Idea. It is not in China's interest to go to war with any country, and it is not in any country's interest to go to war with China either. There are too many foreign investments within the country of China, to my knowledge the most recent study shows that there is about 110,000 Americans alone living in China not including citizens from other countries who also live there, so a war with China in China will lead international casualties and damage American and international investments in China.

I have been reading the whole thread and facepalm every time I hear something similar "We will just nuke them off the face of the earth" To answer the argument Yes, Yes you can definitely "Win" a war in theory if you nuke someone the last time I checked China is not a planet or a remote island... it is about 11 million square kilometers and piece of land sharing boarders with 14 countries with Russia and India and North Korea just to name a few. So Nuking China will spread radiation all over Asia and not just China alone.

Radiation will spread by air, and the amount of radiation caused by a war winning explosion which will win a war against China will decimate the whole world. Just look at the Fukishima Nuclear Power Plant meltdown which is no ware compared to a nuclear bomb but it's particles traveled far enough to reach our east coast.

Okay let's try something which isn't going to destroy the whole world, classical warfare... USA have the troops and the technology to stand a chance other countries shouldn't even bother with this unless they have an alliance. This could go both ways, USA becomes cocky and underestimates China's military power like some of the posters I read here then there is a chance USA will loose this fight, I see people posting things like Chinese armies is not well trained or their technologies sucks compared to ours, that could appear to be true but how many of you know that for a FACT.

I don't think any country can win a war against China... the only country that can is United States and even then I don't think we will have international support.

Yes, we have some international support in terms of our war against "terror"... We (The West) don't agree with China's policies but they have never used their military power to attack anyone (Except they tried to invade Japan in 1274 AD and that was the last time China invaded anyone, but failed)

Attacking China for America's gain will make is look even more unpopular with the rest of the world... If we wanted to go into war with China, if anyone has a desire to go into war with China we would have done it a long time ago. War with China is never going to happen, and if it does we will have the largest barbecue the world has ever seen and everyone is invited! It will not be a pretty sight.

Defending against an attack is fine... why start more wars? Pointless.

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