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RSS Nontheist

Reward Points:9
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4 most recent arguments.
3 points

According to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Also, Thomas Jefferson makes it very clear that the US government is secular in the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom he wrote in 1779.

Supporting Evidence: Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (
1 point

Wings FTW!

3 points

Creationism belongs in a science classroom as much as alchemy and astrology do, which is not at all.

3 points

Official Account: With the intention of influencing American Foreign Policy in the Middle East with an act of terrorism, 19 Muslim extremists hijacked four commercial airliners crashing two into each tower of the World Trade Center, which subsequently collapsed due to the damaged sustained from the impact, one into the Pentagon, and the final crashing in a field in Pennsylvania killing 3,000 American civilians. WTC building 7 also collapsed due to a structural damage caused by a large portion of the falling North twin tower striking it during its own collapse.

Conspiracy Account: In an effort to cause fear in the American public in order to justify going to war in the Middle East to get access to oil and pass laws which strip civil liberties away, the government of the United States coordinated a staged terrorist attack on its own people. Four commercial airliners loaded with passengers were diverted of their planned flight and landed in a secret location where the passengers were either killed or imprisoned indefinitely, then the planes were destroyed. Then two unidentifiable windowless, and presumably radio controlled, government planes were crashed into each tower of the WTC and subsequently detonated there explosive payload. Meanwhile two ballistic missiles were launched into both the Pentagon and a random field in Pennsylvania to appear as though the last two planes crashed into them. After the initial impact of the military drones into the WTC at 56 and 102 minutes previously planted demolition explosives, including thermite, were set off to ensure the buildings collapsed within there own footprint and at free fall speeds. Additionally, WTC building 7 was also destroyed by explosives, also secretly installed at an earlier time, to ensure it also fell within its own footprint.

Which of these two scenarios seems most reasonable, obviously the official account is. The only somewhat rational argument for the governments involvement in 9/11 is that they intentionally ignored intelligence warning of the subsequent attacks. This is of course also highly unlikely for if that were the case, those involved are doing a horrible job keeping incriminating evidence a secret. It is already common knowledge that many key reports and forecasts of forthcoming terrorist attacks were not headed by those in the government. This is simply proof of the ignorance of those responsible for our safety not of their guilt in a treasonous conspiracy to forward their own agenda.

Winning Position: Yes, They're Deluded

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Ryan 
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Religion: Atheist
Education: Some College

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