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RSS Notpc

Reward Points:4
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Freedom is the ability to do what we ought to do, not whatever we want to do. I've taken that from a speech given by a man named Fulton Sheen many decades ago. His speech IMO is an excellent explanation and definition of true freedom. We are not free to jump off a cliff because we will face the consequences of that act, it will likely kill us taking away all our freedom. We are not free to kill our neighbor, if we do we will have our freedom taken away again. We are free to help our neighbor, we are free to feed someone who is hungry, we are free to work to buy the things we need. We have the freedom to do what we ought to do. Too many in today's world see freedom as no restraints. That is not freedom, that is anarchy and that always leads to tyranny, once again taking away freedoms. If we choose to take dangerous drugs, we become addicted and it steals our freedom because now our decisions are controlled by that drug. Freedom is the ability to do what we ought to do. I would consider myself a conservative and a traditionalist.

1 point

Whatever hell may or may not be, God doesn't send people there, they send themselves there. He provides a way out and people either reject it or take it as a gift. Its their choice. As far as people who have never had a Bible or heard a preacher, I'm sure God is smart enough to provide them a way to believe and to know wihich ones are true to him and which are not. Some American Indian tribes had a deep belief in a creator who provided them with lifes essentials and they had a profound respect for the creator and his gifts to them and in some respects would put many true Christians of today to shame with their level of faith and respect, yet they never had a preacher or a Bible to read. Some of them saw the creation and realized there must be a creator. Just like when you see a painting, you know there is a painter even though you never met him or her. God cannot let wickedness or sin into Heaven and there fore if we choose to reject his provision for us to rid us of our sin through his sacrifice, we send our selves to hell by our own choosing.

1 point

yes, we were created in the image of God. We are here to glorify God. Nothing more, nothing less.Why do people get so hung up about this issue. It used to be if you believed in God you lived accordingly and if you didn't, you lived accordingly. Why are so many atheists so preoccupied with changing other peoples beliefs? You want to be an atheist, go ahead. I'll make you a deal, I won't force you to believe what I believe and you don't force me to believe what you believe. Are you OK with that? Thats what a free country is about. When we get to the end of our lives we will both then know which one of us was right. I'm ok with that. Yes, I admit there are believers who try to shove their beliefs down others throats and that is just as wrong. God doesn't ask us to force our faith on anyone else.

1 point

Thank you, someone who understands the purpose of our government. The other arguments are bordering on absurd. If government truly was to protect us from any harm we could do to ourselves then the most ridiculous laws could be rationalized such as making it illegal to drink too much water. Drinking too much water too quickly can cause medical problems and if way overdone can and has caused death. So shouldn't drinking too much water be illegal? What about stubbing our toe on a rock. Maybe it should be illegal to walk within 100 feet of any rock?

1 point

If anyone can't control a car without having a seatbelt on, they should not be allowed to drive at all as they are completely incompetent, My parents drove tens of thousands of miles before the seat belt laws were passed and not once did either of them lose control of their vehicle because of lack of seatbelts.

1 point

No-its a choice. I can't believe in The USA the law can force you to wear a seatbelt but won't do thing to protect an unborn child. But thats a whole other debate. When people say seatbelts save 5500 or whatever lives a year, that is not true. What about the lives saved by not having a seatbelt fastened. I personally know someone who was in a terrible accident and was thrown from the vehicle because of not having a seatbelt. The gas tank ruptured and the vehicle was engulfed in flames immediately after the accident. That person is now alive and healthy. Had they been trapped by a seatbelt they most likely would be dead. You have to subtract the lives saved by not wearing a belt from those saved by wearing one. What about someone who's car goes into water and they are trapped by a seatbelt and drown? True, most likely more are saved by wearing the belt than not wearing it but it still should be a choice, its not a crime against anyone. As far as the argument that it might save one life if schoolbuses had seatbelts--well ok then lets take that reasoning to its logical conclusion- keeping our children home from school would probably save more than one life so lets keep them home from school. You can't make life risk free for anyone and to take away someones rights for the sake of "protecting everyone from every harm" I would rather be free and have rights. It was one of the founding fathers who said something to the effect, " anyone who gives up freedom for a little security deserves neither.

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