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RSS Nyg2008

Reward Points:19
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7 most recent arguments.
6 points
Criminal punishments for possession should be replaced with fines comparable to parking tickets.
3 points
The confluence of events that have to conspire to bring you to the Super Bowl the year after you've won, and then to win again, is a daunting prospect. We can expect the Giants to be in the playoffs, but guaranteeing another ring is an impossible thing to do.
1 point
I'd say no more than 85.
2 points
There isn't enough people here to have a strong, flowing debate. I want to hear more about how to bring new people into the site and keep them coming back.
3 points
I attend the University of Massachusetts and, believe me, people under the age of 21 have no claim to being mature enough to legally drink.
-1 points
There are a few simple facts that guide my argument here: Clinton is behind in the overall popular vote and pledged delegates and is very unlikely to catch up in either category and she needs an overwhelming amount of super-delegates in order to reach the 2,025 needed to clinch the nomination.
First of all, I think it would be very damaging to the Democratic Party if she were to win by a surge of super-delegate support. It would certainly play in the media as the party's elite "screwing over" the first viable black candidate. At the end of the primary contest, super-delegates should choose the candidate who receives the most overall votes.
Secondly, Clinton's remained presence in the race is going to hurt Obama in the fall general election campaign. A bloody fight for the next three months will have no result other than to make McCain a favorite for the presidency.
6 points
There are some instances where golf can be very interesting to watch, and certainly people like Tiger Woods add dynamic personalities to the sport. If you are rooting for someone, and they make a great shot, it can lift you off the couch. Fishing, on the other hand, has no personalities, no tense moments and generally is less interesting than watching paint dry.
Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Yes, the issue is behind him

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Scott Harris
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States

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